Video: Hair Removing Products for Very Sensitive Skin
Video Transcript
Welcome class to Meganomics 101. Today's makeup vice lesson is about hair removing products for sensitive skin. I'm going to kind of break some boundaries here and talk about shaving. I know, everybody is oh, if you shave it's going to grow back bigger, blah, blah, blah. If you have sensitive skin, you're not going to be able to wax, you're not going to be able to thread and you might not be able to use a hair removal cream which I would suggest trying it, leaving it on for a little bit less than it says and wiping it and see how your skin reacts, just give it a try at least because if you thread yourself, I break out in hives and if you wax, I get burnt every single time. I can't do it. So I tweeze only and for my lip once a week I just doop, doop, doop and it's a done deal and you're not going to leave your skin red, you're not going to have razor bumps, it's just a quick 1, 2 punch. So these are my recommendations if you believe that your hair is going to grow back thicker, if you shave it, then don't do it, just don't take my advice, but I guarantee you things are going to get a lot more inexpensive and a lot easier for you in your life to quickly just call it a day before your date, give yourself a little one of these, make sure the stubble is down and be along your merry way. So hopefully some people can benefit from that suggestion, class dismissed.