How to Install a PHP PostgreSQL Connector
- 1). Open the Start menu and type "notepad.exe" into the Search bar and press "Enter" to open Notepad, or use your preferred text editor. Do not use a word processor as this will add special characters to the file that render it unreadable by PHP.
- 2). Click "File," then "Open." Navigate to the place where you installed your PHP.ini file. Click the file name, then click "Open." The default location is "%SYSTEMROOT%\Windows" but it may also be in the folder containing your PHP installation. If you are unsure, search for the file using the built-in Windows search utility.
- 3). Scroll through the document until you locate the line of the file that reads ";extension=php_pgsql.dll" and delete the semicolon from the start of the line.
- 4). Save the "php.ini" file to its current location, overwriting the original if prompted.
- 5). Click "Start," then type "cmd.exe." Press "Shift"+"Enter" on your keyboard to launch the Command Prompt as an administrator.
- 6). Type "iisreset" to restart Microsoft's IIS Web server. This will reload IIS and your PHP configuration.