How to Make a Collage in Shapes
- 1). Determine the size shape collage you want and purchase a sturdy base such as poster board. Store-bought poster board is approximately a couple feet high by a little more than a couple feet long, so consider purchasing additional poster boards to piece together end by end if your shape collage will exceed that.
- 2). Use a pencil to draw an outline of your overall shape collage. If your shape contains cutout, hollow areas, draw a line around the section that will be removed.
- 3). Cut around the exterior of the collage shape and remove any cutout sections. A method for taking out paper segments from the middle of the shape without disrupting the image involves piercing your scissors through the cutout, cutting to the traced edge line and cutting around the entire cutout.
- 4). Select any type of pictures for the shape collage. One idea is to use pictures with similar colors so the overall collage shape reflects certain hues. Another option for a group of pictures is those with a similar theme. For instance, the shape collage could depict pictures from a recent trip or important occasions over the past year similar to a scrapbook but minus the orderly fashion.
- 5). Adhere images or photographs with acid-free crafter’s glue or acid-free double-sided tape to the surface of the poster board by overlapping corners and ensuring no poster board shows. Place the images right side up or only slightly slanted on the shape collage so close-up viewers can easily see the individual images. Use only a dab of glue in the back center of the image to start so that once all the pictures are added you can arrange the photo corners under or over nearby photos.
- 6). Glue down the remaining photograph corners so the only picture corners without glue are those that exceed the edges of the poster board. Adhering down the corners, even if they are glued down onto other pictures, will keep each image securely in place and prevent corners from limping over.