How to Program a 2001 Camry's Keyless Entry Remote
- 1). Sit in the driver's seat and leave the door open and unlocked. Be sure the rest of the doors are closed.
- 2). Insert the key in the ignition and take it out. Do not turn the key.
- 3). Lock the door then unlock it using the driver's side button. Do this five times in 1 second intervals within 40 seconds.
- 4). Repeat Step 3.
- 5). Insert the key in the ignition.
- 6). Turn the key to the "On" position then the "Off" position. Do not turn on the engine.
- 7). Repeat Step 6.
- 8). Take the key out of the ignition. The door locks will cycle to indicate programming mode has begun. If the locks do not cycle, start over from Step 2.
- 9). Push the "Lock" and "Unlock" buttons on your remote at the same time and release after 1 second.
- 10
Press the "Lock" button for 2 seconds. The door locks will cycle one time to indicate the remote was programmed successfully. If the locks do not cycle or cycle two times, repeat Steps 9 and 10. - 11
Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for each additional remote.