Penalties for Maryland Traffic Violations
- Maryland drivers face penalties such as fines and demerit points for most traffic violations.traffic jam image by Nikolay Okhitin from
The penalties for committing a traffic violation in Maryland vary substantially, according to the offense. Most convictions result in fines and points on your driving record. A conviction of a more serious offense may result in jail time. Points on your record can accumulate after multiple offenses and potentially result in the suspension of your driver's license. - The maximum fine for most traffic violations in Maryland is $500, and the fines for common violations typically are quite a bit lower. Speeding fines double if the violation occurs in a school zone, up to a maximum of $1,000. Reckless driving, illegally passing a school bus and driving with a suspended or revoked license are examples of violations that carry a maximum fine of $1,000. The penalty for a first offense for driving under the influence or driving while impaired includes a maximum fine of $1,000. The maximum increases to $2,000 for a second offense and $3,000 for a third or subsequent offense. Failing to remain at the scene of an accident carries a maximum fine of $3,000, or $5,000 if the accident results in a death.
- Traffic violations cause a certain number of demerit points to go on your driving record. After accumulating eight points in a two-year period, you face a possible suspension of your license for 15 to 90 days. Accumulating 12 points in two years results in the revocation of your license. Minor violations are typically worth two to five points. Eight-point violations include DUI and failing to stop after an accident that results in vehicle or property damage. Examples of 12-points violations include driving on a suspended or revoked license, vehicular homicide or assault and fleeing a police officer.
- At the discretion of the court judge, the penalty for some of the most serious traffic violations in Maryland may include a jail sentence. These violations including vehicular manslaughter, driving under the influence or while impaired, reckless or negligent driving, driving on a suspended or revoked license, driving without a license or insurance and failing to remain at the scene of an accident. The maximum sentence is typically one year for first offenses. Failing to remain at the scene of an accident that results in a fatality carries a maximum sentence of five years. Attempting to flee a police officer carries a maximum sentence of three years. Driving under the influence with a minor in the vehicle carries a maximum sentence of two years.