Things to Make With a PVC Pipe Flag Pole
- A single piece of PVC can easily be turned into a small drip irrigation system for a planter box or section of your garden, for just a few dollars. All you'll need is a pipe to hose adapter fitting, an end cap piece, PVC cement and a drill. Using the cement, attach the hose adapter to one end of the PVC and the end cap to the other. Drill small holes every inch or so along the length of the pipe. Attach one end of a hose to the pipe with the adapter and the other to a water source. Bury the pipe a few inches below the surface in the area to be irrigated, and you're ready to go. Turn on the water source, and your drip irrigation system should be operational.
- PVC lends itself to a variety of craft project ideas. Napkin rings are an easy example of how to reuse an old piece of PVC pipe. Using a hack saw, cut the PVC pipe into one- to two-inch sections. Lightly sand the edges of the pieces to remove any sharp protrusions from the PVC. Now get creative, decorating the outside of the pipe however you'd like. For example, the pipe can be painted with simple acrylic paints. With a hot glue gun, the rings could be covered with shells, glass beads, or even with pieces of macaroni. A bit of Elmer's glue applied to the PVC will allow it to be rolled in glitter for more of a party look to your napkin rings.
- Cut your PVC pipe to the size needed for a curtain rod for a window. For less than a dollar, purchase a pair of end caps for each end of the pipe. Using spray enamel, color your pipe to match your curtains, or whatever color you'd like, and you've just made a homemade curtain rod. This same piece of PVC can also be a towel rack or a clothes drying rack.
- A marshmallow gun is a safe and easy toy that can be made from a PVC flagpole. There are many variations on the design, but in its simplest form it is a straight piece of pipe. A marshmallow is placed in one end, and the user blows into the end, causing the marshmallow to shoot out the other side. For a few dollars at the hardware store, some "T" fittings can be purchased, and used to add handles to the gun. The design possibilities are endless, just use your imagination and have fun!
Drip Irrigation System
Napkin Rings
Curtain rod
Marshmallow gun