How to Rig Canoes for Fishing
- 1). Install comfortable seats in the canoe. Consider the amount of padding in the seat, comfortable back support, water proofing and heat retention in the sun. Seats styles and costs range from inexpensive stadium seat pads to specially designed canoe seats in the hundreds of dollarrs.
- 2). Install rod storage holders to protect your valuable fishing poles and to keep the canoe well organized. If the canoe design allows, attach rubber-style storage holders from a sporting goods store to the canoe ribs using plastic zip ties. This gets the rods out of harm's way.
- 3). Purchase a tackle box that will fit under the seat of the canoe. When it comes to canoes, smaller is better. Buy a small anchor, (3 to 5 pounds should be sufficient) and attach it to the canoe using a lightweight nylon cord long enough for the depths you intend to fish. Wrap a long elastic chord around a seat or tie down and tie it to the handle of a small fishing net.
- 4). Install rod holders that will hold the fishing poles while fishing and paddling. Simple rod holders that clamp to the gunwales are inexpensive and easy to relocate as needed.
- 5). Decide whether you will use an electric motor or depth finder. If so, install a deep-cycle battery in a waterproof carrying case. (See tips below.)
- 6). Purchase a small ice chest that will fit underneath the second seat. Now you have a spot for drinks, food and keeping the worms cool.