The Must-Have Apps for a Samsung Intercept
- The default Internet browser that comes with the Intercept underwhelmed the folks at They recommend replacing it with a free Web browser called Dolphin Browser HD. The app's features include gesture support, an auto-completing address bar, multi-touch pinch zoom and full-screen browsing support. You can also customize Dolphin Browser HD with color packs and a series of add-ons. Dolphin Browser is a 3MB download and requires Android 2.0.1 or higher, as of the date of publication.
- Samsung bundles the Intercept with an underpowered multimedia player, according to With more than a million downloads from Android Market, MixZing Media Player is a powerful replacement multimedia app that lets you make better use of the Intercept's media capabilities. The app’s features include a graphic equalizer, song lyric display, custom playlists, file tag editor, artist recommendation tool, sleep timer and batch playlist editing. MixZing Media Player is a free application that’s 3.1MB and requires Android 1.5 or higher.
- The folks at point out that the Intercept has only three customizable home screens. To give the Intercept more flexibility and customizability in this department, recommends downloading a home screen replacement application such as ADW Launcher. It’s an open-source app with features that include unlimited folders and shortcuts, a customizable app drawer, configurable drag and drop icons, and a wide variety of downloadable themes. ADW Launcher is a free application that’s 1.1MB and requires Android 2.0 or higher.
- The Samsung Intercept performs sluggishly at times, according to Task management and termination applications like Advanced Task Killer let you end unnecessary applications and processes running on your phone. Advanced Task Killer works like the Task Manager on Microsoft Windows computers in that it lists all tasks currently running and lets you free up RAM by terminating the tasks you don’t need. It also comes with a memory management utility. Advanced Task Killer is a free download that’s 97KB in size and requires Android 1.5 or higher.
Dolphin Browser HD
MixZing Media
ADW Launcher
Advanced Task Killer