Why Does an Average Guy Want to Learn Piano?
When you decided to learn piano, was it for one specific reason?
Most people say that there are several reasons why they learn piano. But recently, a student came to me and pointed out a reason which really moved me... and I've never thought of it this way before.
He said that reason he wanted to learn piano is so that he can pass on his skills to his children later in life.
He said that even though he'll probably never write a book or become the next president, his piano playing will give his kids something to remember him by, and carry on through the family.
How cool is that?
Being able to teach your kids how to play, so they can teach their kids, and tell them all about their loving parents who taught them how to play.
What a wonderful way to pass a gift down to your children, and leave your own little legacy in life.
After all, it doesn't matter if you're playing on a grand piano from the living room, or on a 60 key electric keyboard in the bedroom... you will have the logical, scientifically proven approach to learning piano in 30 days.
That's all thanks to the revolutionary Lateral Associative Learning model working away in the background for you.
It doesn't matter if you're a beginner looking to get some beautiful melodies singing from your fingers, or you're an intermediate who wants to get back into the swing after many years...
... this interactive, video based training program will have the lessons you need to take your piano skills to whatever level you desire.
Before you know it, you'll be reading, playing by ear, improvising and crafting your own unique blend of sweet music that the whole family and friends want to listen to.
So why not learn to play piano today, and have something to leave in your own legacy tomorrow? It's nothing huge, but it's still something, right?
Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? There's a cool scene in it where Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is rocking out on the piano after secretly learning to play during his time stuck in a time loop...
Click for the Video
It might not be your kind of style or taste, but it's one of many examples of how a piano player can impress someone special in their lives.
And at the same time, be the center of attention and entertain people all night. Gotta love how much power music can bring, don't you think?
So if you're even slightly interested in Piano, check this out Learn Piano in 30 Days here
Most people say that there are several reasons why they learn piano. But recently, a student came to me and pointed out a reason which really moved me... and I've never thought of it this way before.
He said that reason he wanted to learn piano is so that he can pass on his skills to his children later in life.
He said that even though he'll probably never write a book or become the next president, his piano playing will give his kids something to remember him by, and carry on through the family.
How cool is that?
Being able to teach your kids how to play, so they can teach their kids, and tell them all about their loving parents who taught them how to play.
What a wonderful way to pass a gift down to your children, and leave your own little legacy in life.
After all, it doesn't matter if you're playing on a grand piano from the living room, or on a 60 key electric keyboard in the bedroom... you will have the logical, scientifically proven approach to learning piano in 30 days.
That's all thanks to the revolutionary Lateral Associative Learning model working away in the background for you.
It doesn't matter if you're a beginner looking to get some beautiful melodies singing from your fingers, or you're an intermediate who wants to get back into the swing after many years...
... this interactive, video based training program will have the lessons you need to take your piano skills to whatever level you desire.
Before you know it, you'll be reading, playing by ear, improvising and crafting your own unique blend of sweet music that the whole family and friends want to listen to.
So why not learn to play piano today, and have something to leave in your own legacy tomorrow? It's nothing huge, but it's still something, right?
Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? There's a cool scene in it where Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is rocking out on the piano after secretly learning to play during his time stuck in a time loop...
Click for the Video
It might not be your kind of style or taste, but it's one of many examples of how a piano player can impress someone special in their lives.
And at the same time, be the center of attention and entertain people all night. Gotta love how much power music can bring, don't you think?
So if you're even slightly interested in Piano, check this out Learn Piano in 30 Days here