Marriage License Benefits in Brazil
- The benefits of a marriage license in Brazil are not unlike those in the U.S. for an immigrant spouse.marriage defined image by Christopher Walker from
The process of acquiring a marriage license in Brazil is quite lengthy compared to that in the United States, requiring many documents and maneuvers before you can say, "I do." Brazilian bureaucracy takes marriage seriously and will not bestow a marriage license without being sure that the relationship between the couple is genuine. The benefits of are marriage license are many, and for this reason is often abused. - Americans and other foreigners who are considering a marriage license in Brazil usually do so for the purpose of being able to acquire a permanent visa to allow them to legally remain in the country. This is not to say that immigrants obtain marriage licenses in Brazil for the sole purpose of a visa, but that mixed-nationality couples often get married sooner than same-nationality couples for this reason. Many foreigners move to Brazil with intent to marry in order to legally remain with their significant other. Once a marriage license is obtained in Brazil, the foreign spouse applies for his/her permanent visa through the Federal Police, after which an investigation is made into the couple to verify that they, in fact, live together in marriage. Once the investigation is cleared, a permanent visa is granted.
- Once you have a marriage license for legal alien residency, you can apply for a Brazilian CPF card. CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas), is the Brazilian version of the Social Security number, and it is needed for all persons who take part in Brazilian taxes (even if you don't work and are only being declared on the taxes of someone else) and is required before you can have your own bank account, apply for a job, obtain a driver's license, apply for credit cards and purchase real estate in your name. You can apply for a CPF card at most Brazilian post offices. However, as a legal alien resident you need to take the extra step of clearing your voting title with the Federal Police after you apply for your CPF. Only citizens have voting rights in Brazil, and following marriage to a Brazilian, a minimum of three years residency is required before Brazilian citizenship can be applied for.
- As is the case in the U.S., there are tax benefits to holding a Brazilian marriage license. Once you are married, your Brazilian spouse can claim you as a dependent when filing an income tax return and receive a tax deduction. Though it may not seem significant, Brazil is a country of severely high tax rates for commodities and income. Marriage usually can save a couple a significant amount of money per year.
- Just as the tax benefits of marriage in Brazil reflect those in the U.S., the partner benefits are similar as well. Spouses are allowed to be placed on health and dental insurance policies (if applicable), they hold the right to inheritance in the case of death, and the right to visit and advocate in the case of hospitalization or serious injury.
Permanent Visa
CPF Card
Tax Benefits
Partner Benefits