How to File Paternity in Arizona
- 1). Draft your acknowledgment of paternity. If the acknowledgement is agreed by both the mother and father, it will be an Agreed Acknowledgement of Paternity. The form is available in your local courthouse from the clerk's office. The form must be notarized and signed, and you must attach the results of genetic testing by an accepted laboratory, and attach an affidavit from the laboratory indicating the testing accuracy to your petition. If it is not agreed, then it will be a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity filed by the father alone. Arizona does not charge filing fees for petitions of this nature pursuant to 25-812(C).
- 2). Wait for the 60-day period from the date of your petition for any party to object to your paternity claim to end. If your petition is agreed, it is unlikely there will be an objection, but the mother may challenge your petition. If the mother objects to your petition (the only allowed basis of objection are fraud, duress or material mistake of fact) then all parties will be required to undergo genetic testing to determine paternity.
- 3). Receive the order establishing your paternity if there is no objection from the mother from the clerk of court of the Superior Court. The clerk will also provide copes of the order to the Department of Health Services and the Department of Economic Security.