High-Protein, Low-Calorie Diet Plan
- Have two eggs with two slices of lean bacon for a high-protein, low-calorie breakfast. Eggs contain 6.3g of protein and 77 calories apiece. Bacon has only 35 calories per slice and has 1.7g of protein. Be sure the bacon is lean for best results.
- Eat a turkey wrap for lunch. Four ounces of turkey contains 33.9g of protein and 178 calories. Wrap with a slice of cheese for an additional 110 calories and 6g of protein. Add lettuce and a few tomato slices to increase protein content slightly. Tomato has about 2g of protein for a few slices and 15 to 20 calories. Lettuce has about 5 calories for a few slices and 1g of protein. Wrap the turkey around the lettuce and tomato slices and eat it like a burrito.
- Consume a dinner of 1 oz. lean top sirloin. This contains only 60 calories and 8g of protein. Have a side of 3 oz. shrimp for a total of 84 calories and 18g of protein. Complete the meal with a cup of salad and a light dressing. A half a cup of lettuce has 8 calories and about 2g protein. Check the dressing for calorie content and protein amounts to maintain an accurate count.
- Alternate different meats for different days. Have 2 oz. lean ham for a total of 82 calories and 12.6g protein, or have some salmon for a total of 60 calories and 10g protein. Try 2 oz. skinless chicken breasts for a 75-calorie meat dish that contains 16g protein. You might also choose pork tenderloin for a total of 92 calories and 16g protein.
- Choose vegetables and fruits that are low in calories but high in protein. Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mushrooms, okra and tomatoes all have more than 2g per serving (1/2 cup) and are all less than 125 calories per serving. Oranges, strawberries and bananas contain at least 1g protein per cup and are less than 200 calories.
- Eat dairy foods that are high in protein but low in calories. Milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and other cheeses contain at least 6g to 15g protein. Non-fat milk is 86 calories per cup and contains almost 9g protein. A serving size of yogurt is about 5g protein and 100 calories. Low-fat cottage cheese has 28g protein and 163 calories per 1-cup serving; other cheeses contain about 6g protein and 95 calories per slice.
- When putting together your diet plan, keep in mind that you will need to burn 3,500 calories to eliminate 1 lb. of fat. Mix and match foods to keep calorie content to FDA recommendations of less than 2,000 to 2,500 calories for moderately active women and 2,500 to 3,000 for men who are similarly active. This will ensure that you eliminate enough calories to lose weight. Adjust as needed if you are not experiencing weight loss.
Fruits and Vegetables
Dairy Foods
Diet Plan