Golf In Retirement
Golf in Retirement
Did you play golf before you retired?
Well for many of us there wasnt time to play much golf before we retired. We spent all our time in the office, traveling on business, coaching little league and such.
Then we found ourselves retired with time on our hands and looking for something to do. We had played a little during our working years, but not enough to be any good at it. If you only play once or twice a year you cant say you play golf.
But now in retirement what better to do then get out with the boys or girls and play golf. We have that old set of clubs that we used all those years in the Company Tournament (once a year), they will be OK to start with. Now we have to find someone to play with, someone you worked with, a friend from Church, a neighbor, any of these would work. Where and when are you going to play? All these decisions have to be made before we even get to the course.
Now lets help you out, most golf courses have mens and womens leagues (if your spouse plays they also have couples leagues) you can join and play every week with them. Maybe you have a friend or former co-worker that plays there and would take you along to get started. Maybe your old company has a retiree league that plays at a local course, you can join that. Many retirees go South in the winter and you can find many leagues and groups to play with there, just ask.
All in all there is no shortage of places to play, you just need to look for them.
Now that we are playing more we have decided that we need new clubs. We start looking on the internet to get some idea of what is out there in the way of new clubs. We found the we could find everything we needed at We found shoes, clubs, balls and even a cap.
OK, now we are a member of two leagues and playing golf two days a week, and have made some new friends along the way.
We may never be great golfers, but we have a pastime and we are out doors in the sun and fresh air.
Who says you cant play golf with the best of them!
Did you play golf before you retired?
Well for many of us there wasnt time to play much golf before we retired. We spent all our time in the office, traveling on business, coaching little league and such.
Then we found ourselves retired with time on our hands and looking for something to do. We had played a little during our working years, but not enough to be any good at it. If you only play once or twice a year you cant say you play golf.
But now in retirement what better to do then get out with the boys or girls and play golf. We have that old set of clubs that we used all those years in the Company Tournament (once a year), they will be OK to start with. Now we have to find someone to play with, someone you worked with, a friend from Church, a neighbor, any of these would work. Where and when are you going to play? All these decisions have to be made before we even get to the course.
Now lets help you out, most golf courses have mens and womens leagues (if your spouse plays they also have couples leagues) you can join and play every week with them. Maybe you have a friend or former co-worker that plays there and would take you along to get started. Maybe your old company has a retiree league that plays at a local course, you can join that. Many retirees go South in the winter and you can find many leagues and groups to play with there, just ask.
All in all there is no shortage of places to play, you just need to look for them.
Now that we are playing more we have decided that we need new clubs. We start looking on the internet to get some idea of what is out there in the way of new clubs. We found the we could find everything we needed at We found shoes, clubs, balls and even a cap.
OK, now we are a member of two leagues and playing golf two days a week, and have made some new friends along the way.
We may never be great golfers, but we have a pastime and we are out doors in the sun and fresh air.
Who says you cant play golf with the best of them!