Lyrics Are Influential - Do Not Follow But Just Enjoy
Music acts as a soothing balm for type of emotional backdrop.
It is also one of the best means to express your feelings, your emotions whether it is depression, happiness, anger or even a mix of everything.
But everyone does not have the same taste of music.
Ear for music differs from person to person.
Some people listen to low sound but melodious music for relaxation or for expressing their emotions but at the same time some would prefer for loud sound with fast beat that will make your whole environment noisy with people putting fingers in their ear, banging doors of your room yelling to either stop it or reduce the volume which is in vain to your deaf ear.
This is also way of relaxing or expressing emotions which many people do not understand.
Lyrics play an important role in a song that will make you think about life, love, happiness, the purpose of life, sex, etc.
Lyrics have the power to endow its influence.
Of course like everything, lyrics too have a brighter side as well as a darker side.
There are several songs that glamorize prison, drugs, demean women, or play up feelings of hate against one another is wrong.
It is advisable to those people especially the teenagers should not necessarily think about the conveyed message behind the music but just enjoy the song for what it is.
This is because the artists are just trying to give us what sells in the market.
They are not making records out of the kindness of their own hearts but they just follow what is ruling the market.
The influence of music and its lyrics could be seen among the teenagers for example anyone who listens to rap must be a gangster and develops horrible habits like wanting to 'get crunk' (to cry like a crane) and 'ride dirty' while those who listens to 'punk' must be a skater, and those who follow 'screamo' (a musical genre characterized with screaming vocals, harmonized guitars, and fast-paced riffs) must be emo.
There are many music that deliberately use offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation that literally affects the listeners but the artist argue that they are just expressing their right to free speech.
There are many people who understand and say that they listen to the music for the beat, and are not interested in the underlying because it does not apply to them but the opposite happens with the teenagers.
For most lyrics play an influential role but most important thing is that in what way.
It is also one of the best means to express your feelings, your emotions whether it is depression, happiness, anger or even a mix of everything.
But everyone does not have the same taste of music.
Ear for music differs from person to person.
Some people listen to low sound but melodious music for relaxation or for expressing their emotions but at the same time some would prefer for loud sound with fast beat that will make your whole environment noisy with people putting fingers in their ear, banging doors of your room yelling to either stop it or reduce the volume which is in vain to your deaf ear.
This is also way of relaxing or expressing emotions which many people do not understand.
Lyrics play an important role in a song that will make you think about life, love, happiness, the purpose of life, sex, etc.
Lyrics have the power to endow its influence.
Of course like everything, lyrics too have a brighter side as well as a darker side.
There are several songs that glamorize prison, drugs, demean women, or play up feelings of hate against one another is wrong.
It is advisable to those people especially the teenagers should not necessarily think about the conveyed message behind the music but just enjoy the song for what it is.
This is because the artists are just trying to give us what sells in the market.
They are not making records out of the kindness of their own hearts but they just follow what is ruling the market.
The influence of music and its lyrics could be seen among the teenagers for example anyone who listens to rap must be a gangster and develops horrible habits like wanting to 'get crunk' (to cry like a crane) and 'ride dirty' while those who listens to 'punk' must be a skater, and those who follow 'screamo' (a musical genre characterized with screaming vocals, harmonized guitars, and fast-paced riffs) must be emo.
There are many music that deliberately use offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation that literally affects the listeners but the artist argue that they are just expressing their right to free speech.
There are many people who understand and say that they listen to the music for the beat, and are not interested in the underlying because it does not apply to them but the opposite happens with the teenagers.
For most lyrics play an influential role but most important thing is that in what way.