How to Administer Subcutaneous Heparin in a Baby
- 1). Carefully check the prescribed dosage, then swab the top of the medication vial. Insert the syringe needle into the medication vial, and slowly pull the plunger of the syringe to draw the correct dosage.
NOTE: Check the markings on your syringe very carefully to ensure that you are administering the correct amount of medication. Some syringes measure 10 mL, while others measure tenths of 1 mL; both are marked from 1 to 10, but they are measuring significantly different amounts. - 2). Double check the dosage and the amount of medication you've drawn; having another person check too is a good idea.
- 3). Have another adult hold the baby still, with the infant's thigh exposed.
- 4). Lightly pinch the skin and fat of the infant's thigh to create a thick fold, avoiding any bruised areas, and rub an alcohol swab over the area.
- 5). Insert the needle into the infant's thigh at a 35 to 45 degree angle. You do not need to insert the needle all the way into the baby's leg, only about halfway to three-quarters of the way into the skin. DO NOT pull back the plunger of the syringe or move the needle around.
- 6). Slowly (or as slowly as possible with a struggling baby) push the plunger of the syringe down to administer the medication.
- 7). Release your hold on the baby's skin and remove the needle, taking care to avoid sticking yourself or anyone else as you dispose of it. If the baby's thigh is bleeding, hold an alcohol swab over the spot for a few seconds until the bleeding stops, but DO NOT rub the area.