How to Choose Cold Sore Treatments
- 1). Talk to your doctor about the many prescription antiviral medications available. Antiviral treatments for cold sores include pills, ointments and medicated mouthwashes that prevent and treat outbreaks. However, antiviral medications are often expensive and may carry unpleasant side effects.
- 2). Boost your immune system to help prevent outbreaks. Treatments to boost the immune system and treat cold sores include 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily and 30 to 60 mg of zinc at the onset of symptoms, but for no longer than 7 days. Additionally, eating one serving of natural yogurt with live, active cultures each day will not only help to boost immunity, it also is a great source of lysine, an amino acid that weakens the virus.
- 3). Consider a number of effective folk remedies that can help to soothe, heal and prevent cold sores. Natural treatments often require a lot of trial and error to find what works for you; however, they are often less expensive and just as useful as prescription treatments. Common cold remedies include aloe vera, cornstarch paste, ice, lemon balm, grapeseed extract, myrrh, sage, yogurt and even petroleum jelly.
- 4). Speak to a naturopath about homeopathic treatments for cold sores. Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur) is often the first choice treatment for cold sores; however, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Dulcamara and Hepar sulphuris calcareum are also used. Always speak to a doctor for advice on choosing and taking homeopathic treatments.