Having Bad Dreams? Learn Lucid Dreaming
Bad dreams are considered bad because they have been given bad publicity for long time. The phrase "bad dream" has become synonymous with anything that is to be avoided. In the modern painkiller society people do not wish to be associated with anything that is unpleasant, even for a moment.
The truth is: dreams are both a barometer of your emotional health and a safety valve of the unconscious mind. If you block them or just want to wish them away, you are missing some vital information they are trying to tell you about yourself. It is like avoiding the blinking fuel indicator of your car, because it annoys you. You very well know the consequences if you continue to drive. This is precisely the connection of dreams with our life. If you are wise you use their signals to heal your emotional self.
Dreams are your friends
Learning about the useful nature of dreaming and knowing that they are natural process of emotional release, provide you opportunities for self-healing. They are symbolic pointers of your current behavior pattern and emotional state that require correction. Sometimes the pattern gets resolved when the dream percolates into the waking state and you knowingly or unknowingly adjust your response.
If you change your attitude towards dreams you can take guidance from them for self-correction. According to psychologist Ernest Rossi, an important function of dreaming is integration, of separate psychological fragments into a more balanced and all encompassing personality. They come from your very own subconscious mind.
Learn to dream lucidly
Just as you use your general awareness to solve problems in daily life, you can do the same with dreams. Conscious awareness while dreaming is the tool that helps replace your habitual response with a different corrective one. It can be learned like any other skill. The goal is still to put an end to nightmares and recurring dreams, but by changing their script, and not by blocking or running away from them. How can you learn to be aware while dreaming?
The first step is to develop the ability to recall dreams, so you need to become dream conscious. You can do this by affirmations throughout the day and particularly before sleeping. Affirm mentally that you want to remember everything from the dreams. It further helps if you start writing your dream as soon as you wake up. It also helps to recognize dream signs – these are illogical things like seeing monsters, floating in air, etc that are not possible in real life.
Use these signs as cues to remind yourself that you must be dreaming whenever you see them while sleeping. This is how you catch yourself dreaming. Now try taking charge of the dreams; start with something trivial and soon you will be completely in control. Then dreams will no longer remain dreams, you will be able to utilize them in many ways.
Another useful method that is fairly quick is to listen to music embedded with binaural beats; they directly influence brainwaves. Their action synchronizes activities of the left and right hemispheres and creates a brainwave landscape that is conducive for lucid dreaming.
The truth is: dreams are both a barometer of your emotional health and a safety valve of the unconscious mind. If you block them or just want to wish them away, you are missing some vital information they are trying to tell you about yourself. It is like avoiding the blinking fuel indicator of your car, because it annoys you. You very well know the consequences if you continue to drive. This is precisely the connection of dreams with our life. If you are wise you use their signals to heal your emotional self.
Dreams are your friends
Learning about the useful nature of dreaming and knowing that they are natural process of emotional release, provide you opportunities for self-healing. They are symbolic pointers of your current behavior pattern and emotional state that require correction. Sometimes the pattern gets resolved when the dream percolates into the waking state and you knowingly or unknowingly adjust your response.
If you change your attitude towards dreams you can take guidance from them for self-correction. According to psychologist Ernest Rossi, an important function of dreaming is integration, of separate psychological fragments into a more balanced and all encompassing personality. They come from your very own subconscious mind.
Learn to dream lucidly
Just as you use your general awareness to solve problems in daily life, you can do the same with dreams. Conscious awareness while dreaming is the tool that helps replace your habitual response with a different corrective one. It can be learned like any other skill. The goal is still to put an end to nightmares and recurring dreams, but by changing their script, and not by blocking or running away from them. How can you learn to be aware while dreaming?
The first step is to develop the ability to recall dreams, so you need to become dream conscious. You can do this by affirmations throughout the day and particularly before sleeping. Affirm mentally that you want to remember everything from the dreams. It further helps if you start writing your dream as soon as you wake up. It also helps to recognize dream signs – these are illogical things like seeing monsters, floating in air, etc that are not possible in real life.
Use these signs as cues to remind yourself that you must be dreaming whenever you see them while sleeping. This is how you catch yourself dreaming. Now try taking charge of the dreams; start with something trivial and soon you will be completely in control. Then dreams will no longer remain dreams, you will be able to utilize them in many ways.
Another useful method that is fairly quick is to listen to music embedded with binaural beats; they directly influence brainwaves. Their action synchronizes activities of the left and right hemispheres and creates a brainwave landscape that is conducive for lucid dreaming.