How to Soften Dry Winter Skin
- 1). Moisturize your skin. You know you need to moisturize your skin with a good lotion. Yet, many people do not realize that they should be doing this after taking a shower or bath. If at all possible, apply lotion within three minutes of stepping out of the bathtub or shower while your skin is still damp.
- 2). Add bath oil to the bath water. Oil will help lock in your body's moisturize and soothe any dry skin you already may have.
- 3). Learn how to exfoliate your skin and do it whenever you find dry patches on your skin. Exfoliating is an easy way to remove dead skin from your body and it is also a great way to keep the dead skin from cracking and becoming sore.
- 4). Consume omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, can help protect your skin by helping the skin cells to hold more water within them and keeping them from becoming dehydrated as quickly.
- 5). Use mild cleansing products on your skin. Aim to use products that are marked for sensitive skin that do not contain alcohol.
- 6). Hydrate your skin by drinking eight glasses of water a day. This will help soften your skin from the inside out.