How to Make a 3D LEGO
- 1). Open Windows Paint and click the polygon drawing tool (the second button from the bottom in the left toolbar's right column).
- 2). Click in the left portion of the canvas and hold the mouse. Drag directly downward about two inches to define the LEGO's left side.
- 3). Click the mouse to finish the first segment, then drag down and right for another two inches to make the second segment. Click the mouse, then drag up and right until the point is at the same vertical level as the first segment's bottom point. Click the mouse to complete segment 3.
- 4). Drag directly upward for two inches, then click to create the block's right edge. Drag left and up for another two inches, such that the pointer is directly above the intersection of segment's two and three. Double-click to complete the block's outline.
- 5). Click the line segment tool (third from the bottom in the toolbar's left column), then click on the top point of the block's first segment.
- 6). Drag left and down for two inches such that the line's angle matches that of the second segment (which is located below it), then click to produce the first inner edge.
- 7). Click on the right point of the line you just made, then drag up and right until the pointer reaches the top point of segment four. Click the mouse to finish the second inner point. You can now see the top face of the LEGO block.
- 8). Click the intersection of the two inner lines you just made, then drag directly downward, releasing the mouse when the pointer reaches the bottom point of the block outline. This action completes the main LEGO block, onto which you'll now add the characteristic LEGO cylinders.
- 9). Click the "Ellipse" tool (bottom left of toolbar), then click and drag on the canvas to grow an ellipse about four inches wide by one inch high.
- 10
Click the toolbar's top right button (rectangular selection), then drag a rectangle around the ellipse. - 11
Press "Control," then drag downward on the selection rectangle to duplicate the ellipse. Click when the pointer is about two inches below the original ellipse. - 12
Click the line drawing tool, then draw lines connecting the left and right extremes of the two ovals. - 13
Click the top left toolbar button (erase), then drag over the top portion of the lower ellipse to erase it. This completes one cylinder. - 14
Click the rectangular selection tool, then drag the mouse around the complete cylinder. - 15
Drag on one of the selection region's corner handles until the cylinder shrinks to about 1/3 the length of the block's segments. - 16
Click any part of the selection region without handles, then drag to move the cylinder atop the block, near one of its four vertices. - 17
Press "Control," then click and drag the cylinder to duplicate it. Drag the duplicate to another vertex. Repeat to create duplicates for the remaining two vertices.