Have a Celebrity Appearance in Half the Time
Celebrities are pretty lucky. They can wake up looking terrible, put on some sunglasses and head to a studio where their hair and makeup will be taken care of for them and they'll be made to look picture perfect without lifting a finger. But what about the common people, the ones who get up and work a 9-5 shift 5 days a week? We don't have people rushing about trying to make us look perfect, only kids rushing around to make us start pulling our hair out!
Personally, I think it's time for us ‘little people' to be getting some pampering and start living the high life – of course, it's not like we're suddenly going to get a random person waltzing into our bedroom every morning saying ‘come on, let's get that hair and makeup done in time for work'…it doesn't seem likely, does it?
What I suggest is that we half the time it takes for us to get ready by taking certain measures towards our beauty regime. Read on and find out what I mean…
1) Bed Head Solutions
How annoying is it when you wake up a bit later than usual with the worst bed head ever? You don't have time to sit and curl or straighten your hair because you'll be late for work, but you can't show up to your meeting looking like you've walked through a hedge backwards. Buy some sleep-in rollers to wake up with work-ready curls, or try a Brazilian blow dry that leaves your hair straight and frizz-free for months. For a soft wave, straighten your hair and sleep with your chosen number of plaits in.
2) Makeup Solutions
Makeup is so frustrating every morning; it's time consuming and doesn't always go to plan. You've just done your mascara perfectly when all of a sudden you sneeze and you now have eyelash prints underneath your eyes…sound familiar? The best solution is to wear false lashes (natural looking ones) or have eyelash extensions put on by a professional – these can last up to 6 weeks! Avoid the effort of applying eye makeup each morning by having a treatment for some permanent makeup Leeds.
3) Wardrobe Solutions
It's hard to pick an outfit each morning when you can't decide what to wear. Your options are to pre-plan your wardrobe at the start of each week, pick out an outfit the night before so it's ready for the morning, and make sure everything you will need is easily located so you're not rushing around at the last minute, looking for your other shoe! I suggest a shoe shelf in your wardrobe so they always have a place to be and not just thrown into your cupboard.
4) Breakfast Solutions
Everyone knows that celebrities look as good as they do because they eat well. They live a healthy lifestyle and part of healthy living is never to skip breakfast. Unfortunately, we don't all get time in the morning to truly enjoy our first meal of the day – it's typically rushed and wolfed down before we can even taste it. Get up 15 minutes earlier to prep your breakfast and take 5 minutes to just savour the taste before setting off to work.
Personally, I think it's time for us ‘little people' to be getting some pampering and start living the high life – of course, it's not like we're suddenly going to get a random person waltzing into our bedroom every morning saying ‘come on, let's get that hair and makeup done in time for work'…it doesn't seem likely, does it?
What I suggest is that we half the time it takes for us to get ready by taking certain measures towards our beauty regime. Read on and find out what I mean…
1) Bed Head Solutions
How annoying is it when you wake up a bit later than usual with the worst bed head ever? You don't have time to sit and curl or straighten your hair because you'll be late for work, but you can't show up to your meeting looking like you've walked through a hedge backwards. Buy some sleep-in rollers to wake up with work-ready curls, or try a Brazilian blow dry that leaves your hair straight and frizz-free for months. For a soft wave, straighten your hair and sleep with your chosen number of plaits in.
2) Makeup Solutions
Makeup is so frustrating every morning; it's time consuming and doesn't always go to plan. You've just done your mascara perfectly when all of a sudden you sneeze and you now have eyelash prints underneath your eyes…sound familiar? The best solution is to wear false lashes (natural looking ones) or have eyelash extensions put on by a professional – these can last up to 6 weeks! Avoid the effort of applying eye makeup each morning by having a treatment for some permanent makeup Leeds.
3) Wardrobe Solutions
It's hard to pick an outfit each morning when you can't decide what to wear. Your options are to pre-plan your wardrobe at the start of each week, pick out an outfit the night before so it's ready for the morning, and make sure everything you will need is easily located so you're not rushing around at the last minute, looking for your other shoe! I suggest a shoe shelf in your wardrobe so they always have a place to be and not just thrown into your cupboard.
4) Breakfast Solutions
Everyone knows that celebrities look as good as they do because they eat well. They live a healthy lifestyle and part of healthy living is never to skip breakfast. Unfortunately, we don't all get time in the morning to truly enjoy our first meal of the day – it's typically rushed and wolfed down before we can even taste it. Get up 15 minutes earlier to prep your breakfast and take 5 minutes to just savour the taste before setting off to work.