MIDI Touch-Sensitive Projects
- Pressing the pads on an eight-pad Korg Nanopad allows the user to measure note velocity and speed using the Max/Msp program. The MIDI capabilities in this program (such as the "makenote" object) allows the velocity and speed of each note being hit as well as how long it takes for the sound of the note to die out to be measured.
- Flipping the dials and playing the keys on the keyboard on the M-Audio Oxygen 25 interface has the user cross-fading and manipulating visual images in real time. The speed of the images movement is able to be determined depending on how slowly or fast the various controls are pressed or moved. Max/Msp has a visual component known as Jitter that allows images to be manipulated via various user interfaces.
- Isodora and Max/Msp both have light-measuring capabilities. Lighting cues generate for live performances via touch of a lighting board fader or a computer keyboard. Light sensitivity can be measured as well.
- Various keys on the computer keyboard coupled with a MIDI user interface device (such as the Korg Nanopad or an M-Audio Oxygen device) will manipulate audio and visual components into interacting together. Touch sensitivity is able to manage volume control, audio track cues (fade-ins and -outs), image speed and image cues depending on how hard the keys are struck or tapped.
Measuring Note Velocity and Speed
Manipulating Visual Images
Light Sensitivity
Audio / Visual Interactivity