How to Restore the Registry in WinXP
- 1). Choose "Start" and click on "Run." Enter "%SystemRoot%\System32\Restore\Rstrui.exe", where "%SystemRoot%" is the drive letter where your copy of Windows is installed, (C:\ ) for instance. Click on "OK."
- 2). Select "Restore my computer to an earlier time" on the "Welcome to System Restore" screen. Click on "Next."
- 3). Click a system checkpoint on the "Select a Restore Point" screen. Choose the option labeled "Guided Help (Registry Backup)" under the "On this list select the restore point" text. Select the "Next" button.
- 4). Click "OK" if a window opens to confirm the changes that the System Restore is going to make.
- 5). Select "Next" on the "Confirm Restore Point Selection" window. Allow Windows to complete the restore and restart your computer.
- 6). Log in to Windows XP after the system reboots. Click "OK" on the "System Restore confirmation" page that appears.