A Love Analogy
Falling in love isn't it great! i am sure you will agree, but how easy is it to stay in love? Love can come either unexpectedly or develop over a period of time.
Really love is like finding a secure job, you will either fall into it suddenly or you will research what is involved in the particular job in which you seek, but no matter what way you choose to look at it you have to put in the work to receive the income.
Have you ever seen an employee at a fast pace food outlet just sit there for eight hours a day with out contributing to the business and still keep his job, of course not.
In order to stay employed you need to work hard and fulfill your duties.
Think back to the day when you were married, it obviously sticks out as being a highly prominent part of your life.
You may even say it was "the perfect wedding" and unquestionably so which raises another sigh wrenching question, why so much divorce in the world today? Why the perfect marriage reception for a marriage which barely lasts? Think back to our job illustration, before you got a job what did you do? obviously you have to write a resume to promote yourself and highlight your strengths and abilities so the employer will employ you.
That is all good you may say but how does that relate to marriage, well how can you love someone in whom you don't know much about, believe it or not a lot of marriage mates have no idea what there spouses strengths and weaknesses are or even little about the person there marrying, so whats the solution? Spend not quality time yes you read it correctly "not quality time" but 'more' time with your mate, talk talk and talk some more, don't be afraid to ask "Darling what are your strengths? what are your goals? or what do you want out of life? it is natural that we have goals but we absolutely must train ourselves to talk about them openly, this will open room for conversation in any scenario.
Now i would like to discuss two aspects of love that are commonly ignored even by the most romantic fool, i call them Action-love and Word-love now i will assume most people that read this will guess at what that means and say word love is saying "i love you" and action love is making love with your partner, if so that is shammingly incorrect, if you didn't assume that, then i am foolish.
First of all love should not be generalized, that is, it should not be mistaken with "i love you because i pay for everything or because i do the dishes three times a week" show your partner that you love them by doing things with them, that doesn't mean that you must take them to the five star restaurant in Paris followed by a melodramatic Oprah, plan something that you know they will like and make it an awesome experience, and by that i mean think to yourself "how can i make this a night that my partner will remember" and them simply 'be yourself' full stop.
If your married then the hard part is done because you got them to love you for who you are and now that they do love you extraordinary effort is not required, unless of course you want to.
In short simpleton terms action-love is you showing that beautiful quality of love in all that you do and word-love is showing that beautiful quality of love in all that you say whether it is "i love you" or " My goodness that dress your wearing shouts out sexy at its most modest" so remember always think about your partner and what their interests are and how you can please them, if you really believe in that beautiful bible proverb "there is more happiness in giving then there is in receiving" then you will truly be happy if your partner is.
Heres a second analogy on love, suppose you are walking on a road that never ends, its pitch black and there are holes everywhere on this road, some deep some shallow, you are walking along and you fall into a shallow hole, what is your first inclination? to climb out especially if it is dark, now you will probably say "when people fall in love the last thing they want is to climb out of it" on the surface that is true most if not all people desire to stay in love for it is the most wonderful trench you can fall into but, if you don't have the right intentions or motives, reality will find ways of digging you out, marrying for reasons such as wealth, looks or power defeats the very purpose of the word 'marriage' which is reserved for two people who 'Are In Love' openly you may say or feel that you truly love this person, but you must always ask yourself '" why am i marrying this person, in ten years time will i still adore them the same if not more than today?" with divorce rates at over 60% in most countries this should be considered very seriously so no parties are left heartbroken.
So then how can we make the road we walk lit up as it were, well a torch would be good, so what is our torch, time and communication are our torch, because if we spend a lot of time with our potential partner to get to know them and if we discuss everything about ourselves yes big matters and small ones then we will know if this person is perfect for us or not, rather than falling into a dark hole, we will be jumping into a pool of refreshment and rather than trying to escape it we will enjoy swimming in it for life.
So remember not to forget that time and communication are valuable in marriage and your partner should 'Know' and 'Feel" loved at all times, through thick and thin, and if you keep demonstrating this beautiful quality of love you will always be an employee of Happiness.
Really love is like finding a secure job, you will either fall into it suddenly or you will research what is involved in the particular job in which you seek, but no matter what way you choose to look at it you have to put in the work to receive the income.
Have you ever seen an employee at a fast pace food outlet just sit there for eight hours a day with out contributing to the business and still keep his job, of course not.
In order to stay employed you need to work hard and fulfill your duties.
Think back to the day when you were married, it obviously sticks out as being a highly prominent part of your life.
You may even say it was "the perfect wedding" and unquestionably so which raises another sigh wrenching question, why so much divorce in the world today? Why the perfect marriage reception for a marriage which barely lasts? Think back to our job illustration, before you got a job what did you do? obviously you have to write a resume to promote yourself and highlight your strengths and abilities so the employer will employ you.
That is all good you may say but how does that relate to marriage, well how can you love someone in whom you don't know much about, believe it or not a lot of marriage mates have no idea what there spouses strengths and weaknesses are or even little about the person there marrying, so whats the solution? Spend not quality time yes you read it correctly "not quality time" but 'more' time with your mate, talk talk and talk some more, don't be afraid to ask "Darling what are your strengths? what are your goals? or what do you want out of life? it is natural that we have goals but we absolutely must train ourselves to talk about them openly, this will open room for conversation in any scenario.
Now i would like to discuss two aspects of love that are commonly ignored even by the most romantic fool, i call them Action-love and Word-love now i will assume most people that read this will guess at what that means and say word love is saying "i love you" and action love is making love with your partner, if so that is shammingly incorrect, if you didn't assume that, then i am foolish.
First of all love should not be generalized, that is, it should not be mistaken with "i love you because i pay for everything or because i do the dishes three times a week" show your partner that you love them by doing things with them, that doesn't mean that you must take them to the five star restaurant in Paris followed by a melodramatic Oprah, plan something that you know they will like and make it an awesome experience, and by that i mean think to yourself "how can i make this a night that my partner will remember" and them simply 'be yourself' full stop.
If your married then the hard part is done because you got them to love you for who you are and now that they do love you extraordinary effort is not required, unless of course you want to.
In short simpleton terms action-love is you showing that beautiful quality of love in all that you do and word-love is showing that beautiful quality of love in all that you say whether it is "i love you" or " My goodness that dress your wearing shouts out sexy at its most modest" so remember always think about your partner and what their interests are and how you can please them, if you really believe in that beautiful bible proverb "there is more happiness in giving then there is in receiving" then you will truly be happy if your partner is.
Heres a second analogy on love, suppose you are walking on a road that never ends, its pitch black and there are holes everywhere on this road, some deep some shallow, you are walking along and you fall into a shallow hole, what is your first inclination? to climb out especially if it is dark, now you will probably say "when people fall in love the last thing they want is to climb out of it" on the surface that is true most if not all people desire to stay in love for it is the most wonderful trench you can fall into but, if you don't have the right intentions or motives, reality will find ways of digging you out, marrying for reasons such as wealth, looks or power defeats the very purpose of the word 'marriage' which is reserved for two people who 'Are In Love' openly you may say or feel that you truly love this person, but you must always ask yourself '" why am i marrying this person, in ten years time will i still adore them the same if not more than today?" with divorce rates at over 60% in most countries this should be considered very seriously so no parties are left heartbroken.
So then how can we make the road we walk lit up as it were, well a torch would be good, so what is our torch, time and communication are our torch, because if we spend a lot of time with our potential partner to get to know them and if we discuss everything about ourselves yes big matters and small ones then we will know if this person is perfect for us or not, rather than falling into a dark hole, we will be jumping into a pool of refreshment and rather than trying to escape it we will enjoy swimming in it for life.
So remember not to forget that time and communication are valuable in marriage and your partner should 'Know' and 'Feel" loved at all times, through thick and thin, and if you keep demonstrating this beautiful quality of love you will always be an employee of Happiness.