Purpose of Longbows
- The average longbow is made from a single piece of wood about 6 to 6 ½ feet long. The design also incorporates a stout string and grip, and some modern longbows include targeting sights.
- The longbow is powerful enough to send an arrow through plate armor at a range of 100 yards. A well-practiced bowman can get off 15 shots a minute.
- The traditional way to aim a longbow is by holding the weapon perfectly vertical. Many modern users prefer to aim it by leaning and holding the bow at a slight angle.
- It's believed the longbow was first used in Scandinavia or Germany around the 500 AD. English archers used longbows to defeat numerically superior French forces during the 100 Years War (1337-1453).
- Canons and matchlock guns eventually supplanted longbows as a weapon of war in the 1400 and 1500s. Longbows today are used hunting and recreational purposes.
Typical Usage
Modern Usage