How to Sew a Curtain Casing
- 1). Take the fabric that fits your window and lay it on the table. Make sure the top of the fabric, where the casing will go, is near your.
- 2). Fold the top down 3 inches. The wrong sides of the fabric should be together.
- 3). Press the fold flat; this will make it easier to sew. Put pins along the fold line, as well.
- 4). Sew the casing. Begin at one end of the fabric and sew 1/4 inch from the cut edge. You do not want to sew next to the fold, or you will not have enough of a casing to slide the curtain rod through.
- 5). Finish your stitching when you reach the end of the fabric. Back stitch to secure the thread and then trim it.
- 6). Slide the curtain rod through the casing and hang it on the wall over the window.