List of Performance Chips
- Performance chips can improve your vehicle's engine power and car - model toy car image by alma_sacra from
A performance chip is an electronic device that enhances automotive engine power, fuel economy, horsepower and acceleration. The best kind of performance chip provides tuning throughout the vehicle's RPM range, collects data about your driving and transfers that data into enhanced performance for your vehicle. In the world of performance chips, there are five brands that stand heads above the rest: Superchips, JET, DiabloSport, Edge and Bully Dog. - Superchips sells a range of performance chips. They are well known in the industry and have specifically manufactured racing diesel engine tuners for GM, Ford and Dodge. These chips are designed for racing and high performance applications. Superchips also sells five distinct engine tuners: Flashpaq, Jeep Flashpaq, Superchips Racing, Cortex and Mileage XS. Cortex was created for those seeking extreme speed, and Mileage XS helps drivers get better fuel efficiency.
1790 E. Airport Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773
888-227-2447 - JET Performance Products sells both performance chips and performance accessories specifically made for GM vehicles. Their performance accessories include programmers, modules and dynamic tuners.
JET Performance Products
17491 Apex Cir.
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
800-535-1161 - DiabloSport sells six different performance enhancers. From the DiabloSport Predator Tuner to the DiabloSport Extreme Power Puck Programmer, DiabloSport focuses on engine tuners, programmers and modules. DiabloSport's performance chips work directly with its engine performance products.
1865 SW 4th Ave., Ste. D-2
Delray Beach, FL 33444
877-396-6614 - Edge Products features performance packages similar to those offered by Superchips. Edge has chips specifically for Dodge, Jeep and GM applications. What makes Edge unique is its RV application, a performance chip that delivers an additional 40 horsepower to a recreational vehicle.
Edge Products
1080 S. Depot Dr.
Ogden, UT 84404
888-360-3343 - Bully Dog sells over 30 different performance chips. Some of their offerings include the Performance Management Tool, Triple Dog GT Diesel Gauge/Tuner, Triple Dog GT Diesel Gas Gauge/Tuner and WatchDog Multi-function Performance Gauge. These performance chips monitor, diagnose and gauge engine function.
Bully Dog
2700 Old Alton Rd.
Denton, TX 76210
866-285-5936 - Some performance chips are banned for use in certain states. Quadzilla Performance's Xzillaraider chip, for example, is illegal in California due to the state's strict laws against pollution. In all other states, Quadzilla promises "gut-wrenching horsepower, torque and even improved fuel economy."
Bully Dog
Illegal Performance Chips