The Minds Eye of Wedded Bliss
You can't help but notice how time flies...
Thirty plus year years ago, I (like you) started a journey to a new and wonderful adventure.
It was almost like a vacation as far as planning, scheduling and arranging things in my life to be at a certain place at a certain time with a certain person.
Getting married...
tying the knot...
jumping the broom...
putting on the ball and chain.
(I'm sure there are more and better descriptions of wedded bliss).
Just like planning a vacation, there's a lot to consider.
Like that of..
"where do you want to go...
how are you going to get there...
who are you traveling with"? So many choices (mates) of places to go...
so many new things await you.
More good than bad we hope.
Of course it depends on the person you're going to spend your life with too.
You know where you want to go, but making the choice of who that "who" is going to be, well, you're not going to find that in a travel book or brochure or flyer you get in the mail or even in an email.
(Although theses days the invitation for finding a mate is being delivered in cyber space!) It's that sight connection thing that really seals the deal.
But not necessarily eyesight.
By sight I mean all the senses to include a great many of the emotions that we go through on a daily basis.
The ups and downs of life.
The good and the bad.
Really it's more of a coming to a realization.
You know...
the moon and stars shine brighter, the planets are in perfect alignment...
everything is just right and you feel real good about all that is going on around you.
You even like the person that chose you as a mate.
Better than any half price sale at the home building man store! What I'm really trying to say here is that it really is the "sight" part would be what we call the minds eye.
Everything looks, sound and feels good in your minds eye...
you manage to solve any and all of your problems in your minds eye...
the world is a perfect place in your minds eye...
and so is choosing this person you think you want to spend the rest of your life with! These are by no means all of the elements that make up the meanings of love or even define the basic ground rules for carrying out love's promise(s) for eternity.
Especially when it comes to forever together.
All the famous and infamous folks like poets, scholars, architects and laymen alike have and will forever attempt to show or prove to their fellow romantics that love can be captured, bottled and sold to the highest bidder.
But, you and I know different.
We have gut feelings (maybe that's why we get stomach aches for love!).
Some things just make sense...
and those feelings are your best choice as naturalists.
However, many many more do not...
and these are the ones that often get people into trauma drama of the heart.
Note: I am not a doctor nor am I professing to know how to heal your broken or hurting heart.
I am here however, to rejoice in your choice to "hang in there baby" and realize the strengths you have to make those kinds of decisions...
the ones that last 30 plus years.
Sure we have the best and the greatest of technology for our world today...
but even with the most modern of miracles, you have to appreciate that something that just makes you wonder where we're headed with the science of romance.
There are so many wonderful bits and pieces to marriage that confirm mans imagination and subsequently...
his freedom! When one is free to love, think and dream...
one is safe...
the world as he knows and understands it...
is safe.
The woman I love and married makes me feel safe.
Thirty plus year years ago, I (like you) started a journey to a new and wonderful adventure.
It was almost like a vacation as far as planning, scheduling and arranging things in my life to be at a certain place at a certain time with a certain person.
Getting married...
tying the knot...
jumping the broom...
putting on the ball and chain.
(I'm sure there are more and better descriptions of wedded bliss).
Just like planning a vacation, there's a lot to consider.
Like that of..
"where do you want to go...
how are you going to get there...
who are you traveling with"? So many choices (mates) of places to go...
so many new things await you.
More good than bad we hope.
Of course it depends on the person you're going to spend your life with too.
You know where you want to go, but making the choice of who that "who" is going to be, well, you're not going to find that in a travel book or brochure or flyer you get in the mail or even in an email.
(Although theses days the invitation for finding a mate is being delivered in cyber space!) It's that sight connection thing that really seals the deal.
But not necessarily eyesight.
By sight I mean all the senses to include a great many of the emotions that we go through on a daily basis.
The ups and downs of life.
The good and the bad.
Really it's more of a coming to a realization.
You know...
the moon and stars shine brighter, the planets are in perfect alignment...
everything is just right and you feel real good about all that is going on around you.
You even like the person that chose you as a mate.
Better than any half price sale at the home building man store! What I'm really trying to say here is that it really is the "sight" part would be what we call the minds eye.
Everything looks, sound and feels good in your minds eye...
you manage to solve any and all of your problems in your minds eye...
the world is a perfect place in your minds eye...
and so is choosing this person you think you want to spend the rest of your life with! These are by no means all of the elements that make up the meanings of love or even define the basic ground rules for carrying out love's promise(s) for eternity.
Especially when it comes to forever together.
All the famous and infamous folks like poets, scholars, architects and laymen alike have and will forever attempt to show or prove to their fellow romantics that love can be captured, bottled and sold to the highest bidder.
But, you and I know different.
We have gut feelings (maybe that's why we get stomach aches for love!).
Some things just make sense...
and those feelings are your best choice as naturalists.
However, many many more do not...
and these are the ones that often get people into trauma drama of the heart.
Note: I am not a doctor nor am I professing to know how to heal your broken or hurting heart.
I am here however, to rejoice in your choice to "hang in there baby" and realize the strengths you have to make those kinds of decisions...
the ones that last 30 plus years.
Sure we have the best and the greatest of technology for our world today...
but even with the most modern of miracles, you have to appreciate that something that just makes you wonder where we're headed with the science of romance.
There are so many wonderful bits and pieces to marriage that confirm mans imagination and subsequently...
his freedom! When one is free to love, think and dream...
one is safe...
the world as he knows and understands it...
is safe.
The woman I love and married makes me feel safe.