How to Make a Jamaican Bandana Belt
- 1). Fold the bandanna from corner to corner diagonally.
- 2). Fold the bandanna from point to point this time, creating a triangular shape.
- 3). Cut a six inch wide piece off of the bottom of the thickly folded over piece of the triangle. Discard the rest of the bandanna.
- 4). Unfold the bandanna, you should now have a long strip that is suitable for a belt.
- 5). Cut six or eight ribbons into each end of the belt, each one should only be an inch or two long.
- 6). Twist each ribbon and coat with glue. Then slide on yellow, green and black beads, in that order. Allow beads to dry in place.
- 7). Using the paints and brush, color in the various shapes an patterns on the bandanna with bright colors.
- 8). After letting paint dry, tie the bandanna belt around your waist, letting the beaded ends dangle in the front or to the side like a pirate.