Off Season Basketball Training
- Run a lot, and then run some more. In the game of basketball, the better conditioned athlete is the one that will have the most success.
- An off season training regiment should include 10 to 20 suicides a day. This is when an athlete runs from the baseline to the free throw line and back, then to the half court line and back. He then runs to the opposite free throw line and back, and then he goes to the opposite baseline and back.
- Someone who is serious about basketball should take no less than 500 shots a day. Shots should be broken up between medium range, free throws and 3-pointers.
- A basketball player does not want to lift heavy weights for increased size; he wants to lift light weights more times to sculpt lean, flexible muscles. An athlete should lift 3 quarters of his maximum weight as many times as possible.
- After lifting weights is when an athlete should run to eliminate body fat. Athletes who run one-minute intervals between their top speeds and their jogging speeds for as long as they can.
- After an athlete's running is complete, he should go back and shoot more. This should be when the athlete is most tired, so this shooting session mimics the conditions he will face in the fourth quarter of a game.
Weight Lifting
Run Some More
Finish With Shooting