How to Match Salon Hair Color Dye
- 1). Visit your local salon and ask if they can provide you with a hair color swatch in your desired shade. Salons are often supplied with several swatches when they order or receive hair color dye.
- 2). Ask to view the salon color chart and write down the name of the color in which you are interested. Find out what brand the color dye is associated with in order to purchase the same brand at the store, if possible.
- 3). Take the color swatch to a local beauty store or other retailer that sells hair dye. Hold up the color swatch next to the window on the hair color box that shows the hair dye color. Match the color as closely as possible and keep in mind that different brands will have different shades, so you may need to match the shade against several different brands of hair color before you find the correct match.
- 4). Use the name brand of the color used by the salon to narrow down your choices, if the salon used a name brand that is also available at retail stores. Examples of name brands used by salons and retailers include L'Oreal and Clairol.
- 5). Match the name of the specific salon hair dye color to the names of the hair color available at the retailer. While the shades may not be a precise match, using the name will provide a very close match that may result in hair color nearly identical to that of the salon.