3 Key Mental Strength Questions to Stay Focused in Turbulent Times
The economy, global warming, corporate downsizing, obesity, etc...
WOW!With all this all this perceived horrible situations it's not wonder that our society is paralyzed with fear.
After all, if you listen to the news it sounds like we're in the worst situation every, right? Wrong!That's what they (the media) want us to believe.
So what's a person to do? In order to stay focused, and not get rattled by all the doomsday naysayers, a person needs to develop mental strength.
How you ask? Here are three simple (but not easy) techniques to assist you in developing mental strength.
)Ask yourself, "What DO I have?"By taking inventory of all you have you are focusing on the "good" and not the "bad.
"That is, you are acknowledging your abundance and not your lack.
Sure, you may think you don't have anything...
compared to what? If you're reading this then you have a computer and internet access, or at least access to them.
There are thousands of people that would LOVE to be able to not only get access to the Internet, but to be able to read the words.
Come on, think about all that you have in order just to read this article.
Focus on what you have! 2.
)Ask yourself, "Does this really affect me...
right now?" Sure these times may seem to be very scary, but if you ask the question, "Does this really affect to me right now?"You'll be surprised at just how little in what the media report affects you today, right now.
Take for example the stock market.
Yes, we have a bear run and many stocks and portfolios took a dive.
But if you absolutely don't need access to your money, right now, the only effect is on paper.
Looking back on the market you will see that after ever bear run comes a bull run.
Sit tight and ask the question and answer it not from emotion but from logic.
You'll find that you'll be breathing easier.
)Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" Then be quiet for a few minutes.
The immediate reaction/answer to this question for most people is either "Nothing" or "I don't know".
The truth is that there is learning in EVERY situation.
The key is to find the teaching.
By finding the teaching you'll be better educated and prepared to face this situation the next time.
But really if you're prepared for the next time, the next time usually never happens.
So, there are three powerful mental strength questions to assist you in staying focused in these chaotic times.
By asking these questions at least once a day, you'll develop the mental strength not only the just survive, but to thrive as well.
WOW!With all this all this perceived horrible situations it's not wonder that our society is paralyzed with fear.
After all, if you listen to the news it sounds like we're in the worst situation every, right? Wrong!That's what they (the media) want us to believe.
So what's a person to do? In order to stay focused, and not get rattled by all the doomsday naysayers, a person needs to develop mental strength.
How you ask? Here are three simple (but not easy) techniques to assist you in developing mental strength.
)Ask yourself, "What DO I have?"By taking inventory of all you have you are focusing on the "good" and not the "bad.
"That is, you are acknowledging your abundance and not your lack.
Sure, you may think you don't have anything...
compared to what? If you're reading this then you have a computer and internet access, or at least access to them.
There are thousands of people that would LOVE to be able to not only get access to the Internet, but to be able to read the words.
Come on, think about all that you have in order just to read this article.
Focus on what you have! 2.
)Ask yourself, "Does this really affect me...
right now?" Sure these times may seem to be very scary, but if you ask the question, "Does this really affect to me right now?"You'll be surprised at just how little in what the media report affects you today, right now.
Take for example the stock market.
Yes, we have a bear run and many stocks and portfolios took a dive.
But if you absolutely don't need access to your money, right now, the only effect is on paper.
Looking back on the market you will see that after ever bear run comes a bull run.
Sit tight and ask the question and answer it not from emotion but from logic.
You'll find that you'll be breathing easier.
)Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" Then be quiet for a few minutes.
The immediate reaction/answer to this question for most people is either "Nothing" or "I don't know".
The truth is that there is learning in EVERY situation.
The key is to find the teaching.
By finding the teaching you'll be better educated and prepared to face this situation the next time.
But really if you're prepared for the next time, the next time usually never happens.
So, there are three powerful mental strength questions to assist you in staying focused in these chaotic times.
By asking these questions at least once a day, you'll develop the mental strength not only the just survive, but to thrive as well.