Nursing Requirements for Hospice Respite Care
- 1). Confirm that the nursing home you are evaluating is certified in your state as a skilled nursing facility. The Department of Health and Human Services mandated as of March, 2008 that all respite care must take place in skilled nursing facilities. Among other things, this means that the facility provides around-the-clock nursing and custodial care by licensed professionals.
- 2). Determine whether or not the nursing home provides care for any specific needs the terminally ill person may have, such as kidney dialysis, respiratory treatments, or other medical conditions that may be unrelated to the terminal illness, and confirm that the facility has been licensed to provide the specific type of care the patient requires.
- 3). Visit the nursing home and ask to speak with the facility director about the qualifications of the registered nurses on staff. If possible, briefly meet members of the nursing staff and ask them about their experiences in dealing with respite care.
- 4). Consult with the terminally ill person's hospice caregivers before making any decision about respite care facility. They will be able to assist in the facility evaluation, and may have specific recommendations as to what nursing facility might best be suited to their patient's needs.