How to Restore Terrazzo Floors
- 1). Chisel out any carpet tack marks, carpet strip nails, chips and gouges.
- 2). Clean the floors with a cleaner and wax stripper. Remove all loose debris. Remove any stains with the appropriate removal method for the type of stain.
- 3). Match marble chips to the flooring and create a cement base that is color-matched to the old cement. Mix with the marble chips. You may be able to get professional help with this, even if you do the rest of the job yourself.
- 4). Pour the marble cement mixture into the chiseled-out areas. Allow to dry, then grind and sand the patch flush with the floor.
- 5). Grind the entire floor down with a diamond-coated disk. Continue the process in layers with successively finer disks until all scratches and stains are removed and the surface is smooth.
- 6). Re-clean the floor. Rinse thoroughly, removing all debris and dust.
- 7). Coat the floor with a terrazzo floor sealer/polish. Let the floor dry thoroughly.
- 8). Buff the floor with a professional polisher until it shines