How to Connect a PS3 to an iMac
- 1). Download and install a UPnP AV standard program to the iMac, such as MediaLink (see link in Resources). Restart the iMac.
- 2). Go to the "Apple" menu and select "System Preferences" from the drop-down menu. Select the "MediaLink" icon in the window that appears.
- 3). Turn on MediaLink by clicking on the "Start" button. Click on the "Sources" tab. Select the iPhotos and iTunes folders on the list. Click on "Settings" and navigate in the window that appears to a folder on the iMac's hard drive that is used to store video files. Select the folder and click "OK" to close the window.
- 4). Check the folder that was just selected in the list at the left side of the window that is still on the screen. Close the window by clicking the red button at the upper left of the window. Move or copy video files from the iMac's hard drive to the folder selected to store video files.
- 5). Turn on the PS3 and wait for the Home menu to appear. Navigate to the "Photos," "Music" or "Video" tab and select the "Search for Media Servers" menu. Press "X" on the game controller to let the PS3 find the iMac on the local network and access photos, music or videos from the iMac's hard drive. View the photos or videos or play the music from the iMac's hard drive now that you have connected the PS3 to the iMac.