Binder Clips Craft Projects
- Each picture holder will need one large binder clip, wrapping or construction paper, glue and glitter or other decorations. Use the paper and glitter to decorate the sides of the binder clip with the grips flipped up. Make sure that the clip can still stand upright on what would normally be the top. With the binder clip standing upright, use the grips to hold a photograph or note card.
- Gather four to six small binder clips and two thin pieces of acrylic picture glass (available at any craft store). Sandwich a photo or picture between the two layers of acrylic and use the binder clips to hold the pieces together. Space the clips evenly on all sides of the acrylic. Remove the grips from the clips by squeezing them at the base and sliding them out of the slots. Leave the back grip on the top binder clip, or clips, to hang the picture on the wall.
- Attach two medium binder clips to the same side of a large craft stick. Leave enough room on one side of the craft stick for a small binder clip to be attached to the other side of the stick. The grips of the medium clips are the legs and the grips of the smaller clip are the antlers. Paint or decorate the reindeer to make a holiday decoration.
- Have one or more children draw pictures and make up a story about the pictures. When all the pictures have a story written for them, gather them in a pile and clip four or five small binder clips along one side to create a book. Remove the grips from the clips so that the bindings can't be accidentally removed.
Picture Holder
Wall Frame
Book Binding