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Economics : Business & Finance
Reality or Illusion? - Can Wanting to Believe Make It So?
Not since the Civil War has the country been this split, with half believing that the economy is fully recovering and the other half insisting that calamity is just around the bend. For the past two years the Federal Reserve has been pumping money into this economy through QE1 & 2 and other direct s...More...
Will the US and UK Lose Their Triple A Debt Ratings?
Since December, 2009, the world's leading investor services have warned that the United States and Great Britain may lose their top credit ratings unless their inchoate economic recoveries develop into sustained economic growth. The two nations have taken similar steps to resuscitate their stru...More...
Large Jump in Australian Employment Figures
While the rest of the world struggles to come to terms with the ongoing global recession, it seems things are very different in Australia. The Australian Bureau of Statistics today confirmed that February saw an additional 71,500 jobs created in the Australian economy against estimates from experts ...More...
European Union QE Will Disappoint
It doesn't matter if the ECB votes yes or no to QE, the EU is doomed either way. Many QE addicts are betting on an enormous QE package coming out of the EU. They're recalling the effects of the US style QE and salivating at the chance to replay the dream again via the EU. They will lose a ...More...
Why Should the Government Assist US Auto Manufacturers?
As a lifelong resident of Michigan, I was raised with the belief that we must purchase only those automobiles produced by an American car company (yes, even if some parts were made in foreign countries). To this day, I still hold that belief due to the fact that I find it incomprehensible to allow m...More...
Universal Health Care - What Losing a Home to Medical Bills Has Taught Me
There's a heated debate occurring now regarding health care issues.To coin a phrase, "What's the deal?"Most Americans can get health care if they want it, right? The reality of that thinking is it represents only half the truth. Medical costs are skyrocketing. ...More...
Should Dubai Ports World Deal Be Economy Or Security Concerned?
Dubai Ports World, an Arab company, showed a great deal of interest on November 29, 2005 to acquire The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company ("P&O") a British company for 3.3 billion. P&O is one of the top four international port operators with 29 container terminals and operat...More...
Why the Bank of England Rate Cuts Are Having Limited Success
The Council of Mortgage Lenders have released statistics showing a slight increase in the level of mortgage lending in October. Gross mortgage lending was 18.7 billion, up from the 17.5 billion lent in September, but down 44 per cent compared to the same month a year ago when the figure was 33.4 bil...More...
Lessons From Ireland on Economic Growth
For most of the past 300 years or so Ireland has had the dubious distinction of being a country more known for the hardships suffered by its inhabitants than for its beautiful countryside. While people in other parts of the United Kingdom and in Europe enjoyed a relatively high standard of living Ir...More...
International Industrial Development Is Leading to World Unification
International alliances will become increasingly centered on specific long term goals of industrial production and distribution and less on military or ideological needs as was the case in the 20th century. The essence of 21st century competition is competition in efficient product output and jockey...More...
Unemployment Rates Increasing - What's the Way Out?
It seems as if recession is not in a mood to leave. It has arrived predator-like and growling, just as a lion would haunt its area, through around 50% of American households. These influenced households stand on the losing end of a frightening dream....More...
Dagong It - China Has Threatened to Lower Us Debt Rating without a Near Term Debt Limit Deal
Well so far we have warnings from various rating agencies that if the Congress and the Obama Administration do not come to terms for a Debt Limit Deal soon, that the United States debt rating will fall off a cliff into the abyss. We've read about Standard & Poor's warning and Moody's ...More...
The Trouble With Using TARP For the Current US Auto Industry Bailout
The Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) was set up by the United States Government as part of its response to the (almost) Wall Street crash of autumn 2008. OK perhaps the word crash is perhaps over stated but lets be honest the DJIA did still plunge some 6000 points at its worst and enjoyed some ...More...
Interest Rates and the World Economy
There is no effective way to measure the source of funds as well as the amount of funds each bank and lending institutions have. This would mean facing difficulty in making estimates as to the credit facilities and funds that they have available for lending to business enterprises and individuals. T...More...
The Business of Education in America
The education system is being divided on the basis of ability to pay banks. The nations needs are becoming secondary to those of financial institutions. The wealthy are using the very model to prepare their children for college that the federal government is rejecting for main stream America. Why is...More...
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Why Wall Street imploded in just a few days? Who is really to blame? Why won't it be fixed for years? How can you turn straw into gold? When everyone else is moaning about their lost jobs, their decimated savings and plummeting portfolios and their foreclosed homes, those who have learned a few...More...
The US Economy and the Crash of 2008 in Laymen's Terms
There has been a whole lot of talk about the stock market crash and whereas folks pretty much understand the real estate market crash, because their homes are worth less than they owe on them; still, many people do not get the stock market crash or even why it crashed. You see, many folks did not ha...More...
Wealth Pie Distribution Effect on Economic Growth
The forest was in chaos. Parts of it were burning and the food was scarce. The animals went to seek advise from an old owl on how to reset the forest's economy....More...
Is Raising Minimum Wage Going To Help Us?
My profession is not studying the economy, but I can definitely see all the pros and cons pertaining to raising minimum wage. If they raise it to fifteen dollars an hour, it could be a serious problem for both companies and consumers. Businesses are run on operational costs based on categorical perc...More...
Are Stressed Municipality Budgets and Legacy Costs Affecting Our Water Treatment Facilities?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is quite serious when it comes to its NPDES permitting and its rules for sewer treatment plants or POTW's. The water coming out of a sewer treatment plant must be almost perfect before it is released. There are obvious reasons for this, namely that ther...More...
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- Monday, March/03/2025
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