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Economics : Business & Finance
Remittance to Mexico
Mexico is one of the world's largest recipients of international remittances.Today more and more migrant workers send money home to families in Mexico....More...
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - $6 Trillion With Major Banks Foreclosure Mess and Citigroup Post $2.5B
Have you ever wondered how to find quick big cash if you are facing Foreclosure due mainly to stupid bank loan practices?Then let me give you a hint. Cash Gifting is real and it works. Find the right gift giver and you can turn your bad situation into a good one quickly.I'm talking easy cash th...More...
The Mess in the US - Part II
We last left off with a red hot financial market in the mid 1980's being led by the fancy MBS (mortgage backed security) and CMO (collateralized mortgage obligation) securities running in tandem with a leveraged paradise known as the junk bond market. The easy money and lavish lifestyles of the...More...
Why Should US Citizens Settle for Obama Administration Economic Socialist Yes Men?
One thing I've always found interesting about economics is that the economists, even those who are PhD level professors always have different future and forward-looking projections and predictions than their fellow economic colleagues. They all have the same data to use, but they choose to inte...More...
Financial Fixes Part 2
Turn on the news and all you hear about is the Dow Jones was down 100, 200, 300 or more points. They make it sound like it's the end of the world. People have been wiped out they say....More...
When Did the Recession Start Anyway - A Little Lesson From the Past
The question on so many people's minds is, "When did the recession start?" It is definitely on the minds of many during this current economic recession. Now the answer is rather complex, and attempting a comprehensive history of the mechanisms that were involved in this recession woul...More...
How to Make DC An Economic Powerhouse (Hint - Tax Less)
The economic crisis has forced state and local governments throughout the country to review their increasingly stressed budgets and seek new sources of revenue. In December, the District's unemployment rate hit 8.8 percent, compared with the national rate of 7.2 percent, a 16-year high....More...
Treasury's Blank Check to Freddie and Fannie Worries Republicans
Issuing an executive order on Christmas eve stating that the Treasury would cover Fannie and Freddie' losses until 2012, removing the prior cap that was in place limiting spending to $200 billion each. The Republicans are claiming that the timing of this executive order was a planned attempt to...More...
Arithmetic of Keynes's Expectation Theory
'Expectation' has central role to play in economics and business. People in the economic world expect something profitable to happen and they gear their actions towards the target they make and wish it to make happen. The economists or the economic agents also expect to achieve some specif...More...
Good Times For The Brazilian Economy
China is not the only country receiving so much attention among the world's emerging markets. While this country may have a larger profile as the world's second largest economy, Brazil is likewise making waves in the news headlines....More...
Laffer Economics: The Long Spiral Into Debt
Laffer economics, like supply side economics, is based on the idea that cutting taxes will provide more money for investments and job creation. That in turn should increase economic growth, resulting in an increase in tax revenue. That hasn't worked out, but Laffer's theories have led us t...More...
Would Einstein Think Us Insane?
Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Are we trying to fix the U.S. economy by doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result? Stimulus after stimulus hasn't worked. Perhaps i...More...
China's Effect on the US Furniture Industry
Inflation in China is causing a raucous in the Furniture Industry these days.China's RMB is at an all-time high against the dollar, and we are beginning to feel the effects, in nearly all consumer goods from toys and apparel to furniture.In the competitive furniture market, which is in a state ...More...
American Dream Grant and American Dream Accounts
Hillary Clinton has stated that she has a plan for America and a Plan for the Middle Class.She has indicated any speech that she wishes to promote the American Dream Plan. The plan is to make the middle class of affordable again.Hillary Clinton's plan does not sound like anything at least in a ...More...
Does Free Market Capitalism Create Machiavellian Type Wealthy Predators?
Many a detractor of Ayn Rand's philosophy pertaining to free market capitalism contends that such a system sets up a survival of the fittest scenario whereby entrepreneurial capitalists economically enslave the masses to serve their personal needs. Further they contend that this creates a huge ...More...
Buy And Sell Real Estate In Belize With Re/max Belize Property Center
The Belize Property Center site brings to you the most exotic property and real estate sites Central America locations. ...More...
Do We Need Capitalism 2.0?
With our Industrial Age mindset, we automatically read 'money' when we hear 'value' -- just as an exercise, re-read the previous paragraph to check out whether this statement is true. We need to replace this with more holistic, well-rounded definitions of value....More...
How You Can Defend Your Household From Flood
During the past few weeks that the community has been through storms coming and going, it can be perfect for you to look after yourself and your relatives by being prepared and keeping yourself alert. There can be lots of ways to secure yourself and one of which is by adding tools and equipment whic...More...
Inflation: The Causes
Well speaking in layman's terms, inflation is defined as the gradual increase in price of a commodity observed in long time intervals. It is the gradual increase in rates due to which prices increase annually. It should be noted that short term increase in price doesn't count to inflation ...More...
Manipulation of Free-Market Economics Will Not Solve China's Long-Term Challenges
China has been said to be the economic miracle of the 21st century, but alas this century has just begun, and most of its solid gains had come before the millennium not after. What we've seen after is an attempt to run redline with 7-10% year-over-year GDP growth, something that is "unsust...More...
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