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Economics : Business & Finance
The Good News For Contractors About This Recession
There is actually good news for those of us who choose to do business during this recession rather than huddle in a corner and hope that it goes away. Much of your competition is just standing around wondering what happened to their business. I know they are laying off people because I get a lot of ...More...
Quick-Fix to Property Crunch?
Seemingly desperate measures are being taken by lenders and businesses across the property market and only this week, UK house building giant Barratt unveiled a number of incentives aimed at attracting the already few buyers in the market. Barrat has pledged to reimburse any losses up to a maximum o...More...
Congress Moves to Reform Mortgage Industry
"Barney Frank, Mel Watt and I see protecting vulnerable homeowners from predatory mortgage lenders as a core, defining Democratic value. When a family's home is a stake, lenders had better play by a fair set of rules," said Rep. Brad Miller....More...
Is ObamaCare a Slow Step-By-Step Assimilation Plan Like the Eurozone?
Not long ago, I was reading through "Financial Turmoil - In Europe and the United States," by George Soros, it is a collection of many of his editorial pieces on economic philosophy and his concepts of what should have been done or what to do, basically in real-time dates during and after ...More...
The Conscience Of A Restorationist, XVII
America's founders provided the freedom to innovate, and their protection of the market economy provided the incentive. Throughout the world, news quickly spread that America was the one place in the world where you could not only create solutions to make life better, but you could also make a ...More...
Wall Street Exposed Long Before It Hit the Fan
Big publishers want to sell already big names; discovering new ones is not in their wheelhouse. Are they responsible for the problems in the financial markets? Of course not, but they do have a perverse, if indirect, impact. By constantly publishing the same Wall Street friendly message, they contri...More...
A House Divided Is Unwealthy
The barriers in our society for equal access to sufficient food, housing, education, and medical care are becoming insurmountable. Our infra-structure is decaying, while our politicians cater to the desires of wealth rather than the needs of our communities. We are dividing our house into mansions a...More...
Who Says America Can't Create Jobs? Look How Many Jobs Our Government Created in China!
There is a funny line I like to use when someone tells me that we don't make anything anymore in the United States. I tell them, "yes we do, we make hamburgers," and that always gets a little bit of a laugh, but in many regards is not very funny is it? It seems that the United States ...More...
Unprecedented Wind Energy Investment In Canada
Canada, a geographically large country with many areas of wide open expanse, is looking to wind energy to boost its national economy and spark job creation.Using a variety of government initiatives, tax breaks, and grants, the Canadian government will kick-start the process by offsetting large up-fr...More...
How Crude Oil Prices Impact the Consumer
While very few of us think to check the current rate of crude oil prices, the fact of the matter is that every chance in the cost of crude oil makes an impact on our lives. Here are a couple of examples of how we are affected by the price of crude oil....More...
Suckered Up Oil & Easy Credit is Over
As oil prices came close to $140 a barrel this summer, many analysts predicted that oil would come close to $200. Where did the oil go now?...More...
What Effects Does the National Debt Have on the Average Consumer?
You often hear about the national debt on the news. But what effect does it have on you as a consumer? This article explains how the national debt affects you in many more ways than you might imagine....More...
Big Bailout - Money Out of Thin Air But Weighing More Than A Ton
You'll probably be finding yourself a bit curious right after reading the title, but don't worry, it'll clear itself soon enough. Before we get anywhere though, let's revisit a story that surely almost everyone has heard about by now - the big bailout....More...
US Engages with China, Asia for Trade Deals
After yet another failed attempt to forge a multilateral deal on global trade issues at July's WTO meeting, the United States was quick to take actions to protect its trade welfare. Seeing that time is a crucial factor, the US government grabbed the immediate weeks post-July fiasco to secure tr...More...
Taking Stock of the Increasingly Disturbing Position
Many are facing a problem suspecting it to be incapable of a solution. The falling house prices and shortage of money is the chief culprit. Exchange rates play a big role too....More...
Bogus Economic Jobs Report - We've Seen This Before
Western economic analysts always question the economic numbers coming out of China stating; we can't trust the data. True enough, but what about here at home. Our own economic data is contrived as well, usually for political reasons. And since this is a known fact, why bother collecting the num...More...
Capitalism = Freedom
You know I have seen quite a few people recently wearing T-shirts bearing the faces of prominent socialists and I find it very disturbing....More...
Milton Friedman and Plato; Can We Really Compare?
Not long ago our Online Think Tank had considered the perfect Utopia and all the philosophical debates from Plato's Republic and Atlantis to Thomas Jefferson to Milton Friedman. In fact we took a gander studying many civilizations such as the Byzantine Empire, Aztec Civilization, Greeks, Romans...More...
Freeze The Budget and Stop Plundering The American People
One might think the recent drama over the debt crisis with one side wanting to increase or maintain spending and the other side wanting to drastically cut spending but that is far from the truth. So has the US already begun to default on its debts and is the day of reckoning coming for us all soon? ...More...
China Playing Games Now With Foreign Investments
China is increasing its rules and regulations on business and industry.This is unfortunate because it also puts tighter restrictions on foreign investment.It is the; Last One and Is a Rotten Egg Syndrome.It is interesting that many folks support their investment dollars into China and now also wish ...More...
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