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Lung Health : Health & Medical
Pleural Infection: What We Need to Know but Don't
The rising incidence and mortality of empyema highlights a need for better understanding of the disease and more effective strategies in its diagnosis and treatment....More...
The State of the Air Many Breathe Is a Sorry State
Three out of every four Americans now breathe air so dirty it threatens the health of children, the elderly, and even outdoor joggers....More...
Parts of the Lungs
The lungs are organs responsible for gas exchange. When you inhale, air rushes into the lungs and sends oxygen to the blood; the lungs are also the path for removal of carbon dioxide. The lungs are an integral part of the body, and the oxygen provided by the lungs facilitates life. Knowing the parts...More...
Smoke Inhalation
Information on smoke inhalation, the number one cause of death related to fires....More...
Can a Surgical Mask Protect You from SARS?
Separating Fact from Fiction about Surgical Masks and SARS...More...
Early vs Late Tracheotomy: Does Timing Prevent Pneumonia in ICU Patients?
The timing of tracheotomy may not lower the risk for pneumonia in mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU, according to a recent trial. Dr. Andy Shorr offers his perspective in this video blog....More...
Prognostic Value of Alveolar Volume in Systolic Heart Failure
Is alveolar volume a predictor of heart failure outcomes?...More...
Mesothelioma: Symptoms and Causes
WebMD explains mesothelioma, a deadly cancer, including symptoms and causes....More...
How Does Nicotine Affect the Lungs
IntroductionAccording to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 87 percent of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking cigarettes. The most active ingredient in cigarettes is nicotine. Nicotine is an alkaloid substance that is naturally found in the tobacco plant. In small doses the......More...
New Programs, Conference Coverage, Journal Articles, and CME
What's new on Medscape Pulmonary Medicine?...More...
Are Shallow Rivers Safe?
There are several things you should keep in mind to stay safe when you're close to a river no matter how shallow or deep it is. Thick vegetation, a soft bottom, unpredictable flooding or extreme temperatures can still make a shallow river dangerous. Remember that it only takes a few inches of water ...More...
The Indoor Air and Asthma: The Role of Cat Allergens
Teasing out the contaminants of indoor air can be tricky. Learn more about cat dander and its effects on respiratory health....More...
Hematopoietic Allograft Impacts Lung Function, Inflammation
A new study reports that allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients may experience decreased lung function and increased pulmonary inflammation....More...
Pregnancy & Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath or a feeling of breathlessness is a common symptom of pregnancy. Most women will experience shortness of breath at some point during their pregnancy due to the changes that are occurring within the body. While this symptom can prompt fear on behalf of the soon to be mom, it is ra...More...
What are the Causes and Symptoms of Hypercalcemia with Cancer?
Hypercalemia is a complication some people with cancer are affected by. What are the symptoms and treatments, and what does this mean for you?...More...
How to Heal Your Lungs
The lungs make up one of the largest organs in the body and function by transporting oxygen through the respiratory system. They constantly filter out smoke, dust and pollution, but when particles are too small or there is too much to process they can be damaged. The following herbal remedies can he...More...
Audio Breathing Exercises
Audio breathing exercises guide you to increase your vitality and induce calmEcoute la musique image by Christophe Schmid from Fotolia.comAudio breathing exercises are a great help to relax your mind and body because, unlike written exercises, soothing voices guide you step by step,......More...
Pulmonary Hypertension
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of pulmonary hypertension, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more....More...
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