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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Feed a Cat Who Overeats
According to T.J. Dunn, DVM, one of the likely leading causes of feline obesity is "free choice" feeding. In free choice feeding, the cat owner leaves food out for the cat at all times and allows the cat to eat at will. This reverses the diet and exercise patterns that cats experience in t...More...
Cats' Blood Tests
Blood tests can provide a lot of information about a cat's health, yet much is subject to interpretation. Learn more about understanding blood tests....More...
Focus on Cat Food
Index of all articles on cat food and nutrition, reviews of cat foods, and Top Picks of premium cat food brands on Cats....More...
Olive-Oil Cures for Cats
Although cats are generally hardy and independent pets, your pet requires care when it gets sick. Home remedies can work, but you should always take your cat to the veterinarian to have it diagnosed properly and to discuss the home remedy you want to try. Castor oil was once used as a home remedy, b...More...
What Is a Real Cost of Owning a Bengal Cat?
One very important aspect to consider in buying a Bengal cat is its actual cost. Well, if you want to have a Bengal in your home, you should very well know that it is a rare breed. With rarity comes the high price, so you should expect that a Bengal cat could cost from 500 USD to about 5,000 USD, de...More...
Caring For Kittens After the Mother Cat Has Given Birth
Caring for kittens after the mother cat has given birth is a crucial time for the little ones development. This article will detail what you should do to care and be responsible for there early life....More...
White Cats Picture Gallery: Weebles
February is the last big push of winter, and represents the glistening snow that blankets the budding crocuses beneath. You won't feel cold at all, though, with a white February cat to warm your heart and your lap....More...
The Difference Between a Stray and a Feral Cat
It is important to know if you are dealing with a domestic stray cat or a feral cat. The animal shelters and pounds cannot deal with feral cats because they do not socialize well with humans. All domestic cats stray or feral are protected by state laws from harming them. This article provides you wi...More...
How to Stop a Cat from Pulling its Hair Out
When you hear a person say they are pulling their hair out, you know they are expressing frustration at dealing with a difficult and stressful situation or problem. Cats, however, actually pull large tufts of hair out when they are dealing with stress or suffering from other afflictions. Hair pullin...More...
Dealing With A Cat Allergy
Anyone who suffers from allergies can undoubtedly tell you of the irritation and discomfort associated with its consequences. In order to minimize symptoms, allergy sufferers do well to identify their personal allergy triggers so that they can successfully avoid them. For cat lovers especially, a ca...More...
Cat Gingivitis and Lung Diseases
Cats are prone to many different kinds of medical conditions for many different reasons; though, two of the most common conditions existing are gingivitis and upper respiratory infection. Both conditions are potentially life threatening if not treated properly; however, both can be manageable and ev...More...
Kitten Care: The Responsibilities of a Pet Owner
If you're thinking about getting a pet and the pet you're thinking about getting is a little kitten, there are many things you have to learn about before you even get a kitten into your home. Just like with any kind of pet, you'll have a lot of responsibilities and if you do those dut...More...
Heart and Lung Diseases in Cats
Endomyocarditis, or inflammation of the inner heart muscle and lining, is an acute heart and lung (cardiopulmonary) disease that typically develops following a stressful event. It is characterized by interstitial pneumonia, and inflammation of the innermost portion of the heart. Pneumonia is usually...More...
General Information on Cat Bladder Stones
Cat bladder stones can cause discomfort and pain to the cat. Bladder stones are formed when minerals harden inside the cat's bladder. These hardened minerals can block the urinary passage of the cat and cause irritation, causing the cat to urinate blood....More...
Senior Cat Care
Senior Cat Care Senior cat care is either an easy situation or a very difficult situation for cats and owners. It can be easy if proper monitoring of food, regular visits to the veterinarian and proper exercise have been ongoing habits. If not, this time of the pets' life will be difficult for ...More...
Feline Diseases That All New Cat Owners Should Know About
Cat health problems can either be hereditary or brought about by other infections. In either case, your ability to care for your pet will depend on how much you are informed about these ailments, their causes and possible treatments. This article examines some common health problems usually found in...More...
Cat Arthritis - Know How to Care For Them
Elderly cats are commonly known to catch arthritis, which is the wear and tear of joints in parts of the body. Its main causes include high age, due to which a time comes when unfit bodies exhibit joint degeneration and high pain due to tendon tissue damage....More...
Information on Cat Conditions
Learning to recognize common illnesses your cat may experience in her lifetime can prolong your cat's life. If you suspect your cat has any of these conditions, see your veterinarian, though in most instances, a healthy diet and exercise encourages feline health....More...
No Advice, Just Cat Talk: Part II
Over the years we've had some interesting cats with distinct personalities. But I'll never forget our first family cat, he was, well... memorable....More...
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- Monday, March/03/2025
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