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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Five Reasons To Insure Your Cat
Pet insurance could save you a huge amount of money if you choose to invest. In this article, we outline five reasons why insurance is the right way to go when it comes to your beloved cat's health....More...
2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery: Pyewacket
October is synonymous with Black Cat Month. Since our previous black cat photo galleries are overflowing with photos of stunning, sleek black cats, here is a new 2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery. Of course, aficionados of these Parlor Panthers adore black cats year-round....More...
Training Tips for Your Cat's Behavior Problems
Cat behavior problems are more common than you think and there are many different solutions for them depending on your cat's personality.Cats can be trained and bad habits can be broken.Cat behavior problems are solvable but it is easier to correct your cat's bad behavior problems when the...More...
Tips on Identifying and Treating Cat Obesity
Cat obesity is a very serious problem. Most cat owners do not even realize their cats are obese. We will look into some of the common reasons cats become obese and what to do if your cat is obese....More...
How to Make a Cheap Cat Tree
If you own a cat you're likely find it on the refrigerator or on a window sill looking down on the world. Cats enjoy climbing and many cat owners purchase cat trees to satisfy this instinct. However, if you want to save some money, you can make your own with a little effort and time....More...
Balancing Cats and Dogs in Your Home
Is it true that cats and dogs won't happily coexist in the same home? Many people believe this to be the case. You might be surprised to know that it doesn't necessarily need to be the case....More...
Information on the Tigrillo Cat
The tigrillo, also known as oncilla, tiger cat, little spotted cat, gato do mato pequeno and leopardus tigrinus, is a wildcat species originating from South America and Central America. The small cats have distinctive coat patterns of dark spots against a lighter background color. These felines face...More...
Feline Malnutrition & Effect on Longevity
Malnutrition shortens lifespans, even in smaller animals like domesticated household cats. Malnutrition isn't just about being underfed, it is about missing essential vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain life. A feline can be malnourished in a variety of ways, ranging from a caloric deficienc...More...
Anti-Depression Medicine for Cats
If you're feeling depressed, chances are your cat is, too. Cats pick up on our emotions, and when we have the blues, very often they do, too. Although anti-depression medicine can help, the best way to relieve your cat's depression is to address the cause of the cat's unhappiness....More...
2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery: Blackbarry
October is synonymous with Black Cat Month. Since our previous black cat photo galleries are overflowing with photos of stunning, sleek black cats, here is a new 2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery. Of course, aficionados of these Parlor Panthers adore black cats year-round....More...
How to Make a Baby Kitten Gain Weight
Weight loss in a kitten or failure to gain weight can be very frightening. Most of us know that weight gain is a sign of a healthy cat, so it can be rather disconcerting when your kitten is failing to thrive. There are many reasons for which a kitten isn't gaining weight, but there aren't as many ea...More...
Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs & Other Pets
Both dogs and cats can be affected by diabetes.The spitz-dog and cat on a neutral background image by Ulf from Fotolia.comDiabetes results when your animal's pancreas stops producing the hormone insulin, which regulates the concentration of glucose in the blood. Animal cells need glucose......More...
How to Treat Cats With Lymphoma
Feline lymphoma is a type of cancer that infects the lymphoid tissue in cats. This disease is most common in older cats that have been diagnosed with feline autoimmune disease or leukemia. Lymphoma can destroy most of the major organs in the body, so it is extremely important to get a veterinarian'...More...
How To Protect Your Furnishings From You Cat's Destructive Scratches
If you find that your chairs, window screens, and rugs are looking like someone had a fight on them, your cat is probably the culprit. Cats, with their sharp claws, can cause havoc to furnishings and can destroy your beautiful home. So how can you solve this problem? To nip the problem in the bid, y...More...
Pet Wellness: Cat Pancreatitis Awareness
Pet wellness advice today takes a look at cat pancreatitis, the lack of awareness by cat owners, causes, care and preventative measures. When a dog has pancreatitis he will show signs of illness that make it obvious to his owner that something is wrong - usually vomiting and abdominal pain. The symp...More...
Rescue Cats
Do you want to give a cat anew home? Then you may be interested in a "rescue cat."Many cats are abandoned by their owners or are left roaming the streets. These cats not only have a poor standard of life but they also are vulnerable to illness and disease. This is no good for any cat....More...
Immune Cats - Surprising Boost to Cat's Immune Systems Prevents Worrisome Illnesses
Everyone wants to have immune cats living in their home, because watching a cat suffer from disease is really hard to do. Your cats immune system is very important, because it helps them remain healthy and strong throughout their lives. There are certain herbs you can give your cat that will help im...More...
Rescued Cats Picture Gallery - Miss Snookie
Miss Snookie is a rescued cat that hung around Bobbi Fein's back yards for five years before she was trusting enough to move indoors. Snookie is part of a Rescued Cats Picture Gallery. Enjoy her story as well as the stories of many other rescued cats....More...
Feline Urination Problems
Feline urination problems can cause a lot of mess and worry for owners. This issue has several causes, but you can treat or manage all of them. Urinating in unusual places might be because of a medical or behavioral problem. If you notice your cat having problems urinating, or its litter box behavio...More...
What to Expect When You're Expecting a Puppy
A new puppy can be a challenging addition to the family. While puppies are adorable and affectionate, you can expect a degree of undesirable but normal behaviors. Puppies are like babies---they need love, security and patience. When you're expecting a puppy, preparation and patience are essential in...More...
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