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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Homeopathic Care For Cat's Urinary Infection - Better Than Conventional Medicine?
Homeopathic, or holistic, medicine is an alternative way of viewing illness. While conventional pharmaceuticals treat the symptoms of cat urinary problems, they neglect to address the reasons your pet is having them to begin with....More...
How Much Do Maine Coon Cats Weigh?
Maine Coon cats are beautiful animals. Large, sleek, with a unique and large ruff of fur around their necks, the Maine Coon can seem like a cross between a wild and a domestic feline. In truth, Maine Coons are delightful companions, with very tractable, almost dog-like, dispositions....More...
Cat Hobbies and Pastimes Picture Gallery: Oil Painting of Michelob
In "Ways to Enjoy Cats Without Having One, I suggested several hobbies, crafts, and volunteer activities that anyone who loves cats can do, whether or not they live with a cat.Several cat-lovers responded to my request for photos depicting their own cat-related hobbies and pastimes. The result ...More...
Make Cat Problems Go Away Fast: Get Them To Stop Peeing Around the House
Nothing is nicer on a cold night than snuggling up to a soft kitty in bed with you. But, not much is worse than crawling into bed and laying down on a cold, wet spot that turns out to be cat pee. If you have cat problems such as this, you really need to do something about it. A lot of the time, once...More...
Cat Fleas - How to Resolve the Problem in One Easy Step
Cat fleas have few friends. They irritate. And their make some people embarrassed, as if they are not hygienic. But are commercial flea preparations the answer. Are they even safe to have around the home?...More...
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Chester
Cutest Cat Contestant Chester. Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines. ...More...
Cats Picture of the Week Gallery: Butterscotch, Voted Cat Picture of the Month
The site for Cats has a CatPicture of the Week feature posted on the main page each week. A weekly email Cat of the Week newsletter, which rotates at random through previous Cat of the Week Pictures, also includes pictures of some cats which did not appear on the main page. They are all ga...More...
Aggressive or Angry Cats Are No Fun
Is your cat an angry cat? Keeping an angry cat in your home takes all of the fun out of cat ownership. Luckily, there are steps that you can take to help change your angry cat's behavior and make her a welcome member of the family....More...
How to Be Affectionate With Your Cat
Unlike dogs, cats reserve their emotions and express them in subtle ways. Detecting your cat's emotions may be difficult, and your attempts to be affectionate with your cat may seem unfruitful because your cat doesn't seem to notice. However, the key is understanding the body clues that your cat giv...More...
What You Should Know About Cat History
The cat family can trace its history back 35 millions years. Since then, many new species have emerged that have all shared certain catlike traits. Today, there are 36 species of these amazing carnivores, including the domestic cat....More...
What Are the Brown Spots on My Cat's Mouth & Nose?
If your cat has brown spots that resemble freckles on its mouth, eyes, and nose, don't worry. These spots are usually attributed to a benign skin condition known as Lentigo simplex.According to Dr. Louise Murray, Director of Medicine of the ASPCA's Bergh Memorial Hospital in New York Cit...More...
How to Brush a Himalayan Cat
Himalayan cats are the result of Siamese cats being bred with Persian Cats. Himalayans are known for their calm temperament and loving nature. Himalayans have a beautiful coat of fur but it can be incredibly difficult to maintain. Daily maintenance is required to keep your Himalayan's fur soft, clea...More...
Older Cat Diseases
When you buy a kitten, you generally never think that someday the kitten will get old. However, aging, whether it is in cats or in humans, is natural. Just like in older humans, the chances of older cats developing a geriatric disease increase. To make sure the golden years of your cat remain health...More...
"The Complete Cat's Meow," by Darlene Arden
The award-winning book on cat care, 'The Complete Cat's Meow,' by Darlene Arden, also was the winner of the 2012 Readers' Choice Award for Best Book About Cat Care. Read this new review from on this excellent book about cat care....More...
Cat Condos Are Beneficial to Both Pets and Owners
Cat condos offer many benefits to both pets and owners alike. By giving your pet somewhere to nap, scratch and play, you can avoid common behaviors that are destructive and messy. Here are some things to consider when shopping for an apartment for your kitten....More...
Watch Your Choice of Kitty Litter
Wheezing in cats-could be allergies or just poor quality cat litter.My kitty-Misty- started wheezing and I couldn't figure out why.For the past two weeks her breathing has been laboured and the only change has been her cat litter. Here is what I did to overcome her problems....More...
How to Cat Proof Your House
Anyone who has ever spent an extended period of time with a cat knows they are notorious for finding the one single thing in the house that they should not touch, play with, or eat.Sure, you can go out and buy countless toys of every size, style, and even flavor, and they can be thrown helter skelte...More...
Think It's Easy to Tell the Sex of a Kitten? You Could Be Fooled
While theoretically, telling the sex of a kitten is fairly easy, it is by no means an absolute science. Sometimes even animal shelter staff, veterinarians, and experienced cat breeders can make mistakes....More...
Post-Surgery Diarrhea In a Cat
Diarrhea is a common side effect of surgery. Although it is common, you must closely monitor your cat since prolonged or extreme diarrhea could lead to dehydration....More...
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Sheffield
Cutest Cat Contestant Sheffield. Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines. ...More...
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