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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Cure Cat Urinary Infection - Not a Simple Answer
Really a cat urinary tract infection (UTI) is no laughing matter. So all humor aside let's talk about how to cure cat urinary infection? Conventional veterinarian treatment to cure cat urinary infection is antibiotics but research shows that urinary tract infection is rarely caused by bacteria,...More...
How to Identify a Balinese Tabby Cat
Balinese cats share similarities with Siamese cats, which makes sometimes makes it difficult to tell the two apart. The first cats of this type were accidents, or abnormalities, born to a short-haired Siamese cat. As the cats had a different look and temperament from the traditional Siamese, they we...More...
Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Miss Emma
March marks the first month of Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be. Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. This month we salute our Tabby Cat friends as the cats for March's Cat Picture Calendar ...More...
Cat Memorials and Picture Gallery: Maya
Creating a memorial to a cat you have loved and lost is a good way not only to honor your beloved kitty, but also to help you through the grieving process. These memorials speak for themselves of the bond between humans and cats that transcends life itself. ...More...
Does Purring Mean Your Cat Is a Happy Moggy or Angry Tiger?
Does Your Cat Purr Because He is Happy? - News Article from Cat Protection League...More...
Conquer and Prevent Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Feline lower urinary tract disease can result from a multitude of causes.What are the causes, what can you do?...More...
Kittens! Galore: Elle
Kittens Galore Photo Album - a new album containing dozens of photos of cute kittens. ...More...
Special Needs Cats Picture Gallery: Mickey Blue Eyes
Special Needs Cats have a valid place in the overall scheme of things. They demonstrate the unique ability cats have to overcome what we humans would consider as "disabilities," and handle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and FIV with amazing resilience and acceptance; certain les...More...
2008 Domestic Cats Picture Gallery: Simba
While many cat breeds are popular among their aficionados, my favorite "breed," and that of many of my readers, is the so-called domestic cat, also known affectionately as moggie, alley-cat, house cat, or what is called in cat shows that include them, "household pet." You may sub...More...
How to Buy Baytril Liquid
Baytril is the brand name for enrofloxacin, an anti-infective antibiotic synthesized by Bayer Health Care Corp. research pharmacologists. Baytril is used for treating bacterial infections in animals. Some of the bacterial groups Baytril is used against include salmonella, E.coli, staphylococcus, bor...More...
8 Easy Steps to Get Your Cat to Use the Toilet
If you're tired of the hassle of cleaning up kitty litter all the time, why not give this a go: click-train your cat to use the toilet! It's easy and fun! Some cats actually get it in two weeks! The whole point to using a clicker when training your cat is that she associates the sound (cli...More...
What Causes Worms in Cats?
Worms are a problem that many pets can be afflicted with, and although most people associate intestinal worms with dogs, they can develop in cats as well. Usually, the most frequent feline victims of worms are kittens under the age of 6 months. For that reason, many veterinarians will recommend that...More...
When A Cat Is Aggressive
When a cat has aggressive tendencies. Sometimes the cause can be as simple as a tooth ache....More...
The Smart Pet Owner's Guide to Feline Urinary Incontinence
If you want to know more about feline urinary incontinence and your cat is already suffering with some symptoms, this article will teach you more about what to look for, what to do and the best treatment options for your cat. You'll also learn how to prevent this problem from recurring....More...
Cat Breeds Picture Gallery: Dante, Siberian Cat
September is a month of variety in both climate and activities. It is still warm enough for summer activities, while cooler evenings bring a hint of fall. It is a perfect month from celebrating a variety of cat breeds, and we dedicate the September Cats Picture Calendar to photos of a number of pedi...More...
January Blue Cats Picture Gallery: Neko
Although December marks the start of Winter, January epitomizes that season with snow, sleet, and ice. The color of the month for January is silver and solid blue cats, reflecting the colors of icicles hanging from the roof, frozen ponds, and the cool blue color of the sky. Enjoy these reader-submit...More...
Feline Bladder Infections - Tips For Helping Your Cat
Long-time pet owners already know that feline bladder infections can be common. This tendency toward repeated cat bladder infections seems to increase with the age of your cat. As they get older, they have more of them, it seems. The good news is that in most cases, feline bladder infections can be ...More...
My Cat Scratches Everything - What Can I Do?
For cat lovers, these graceful felines are part of the family. What is more satisfying than spending a cozy evening at home with your favorite cat purring contentedly on your lap? Such a scene is certainly more inviting than that of your cat exercising his claws on a chair leg or your carpet. If you...More...
A Urinary Tract Infection in a Male Cat
Cats are very sensitive to change and are prone to stress. Changes in routine, environment and food affect a cat both physically and mentally. Cat's systems can develop issues with very little apparent provocation. Veterinarians and scientists do not know enough about the precise workings of a cat's...More...
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