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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
The Effects of Rat Poison on Dogs & Cats
Rat poisons can also poison pets and people.rat image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.comRat poison is one of the most common poisons dogs and cats get into. The poison itself is often mixed with a tasty food, such as peanut butter or gravy, so rats will eat it. The four types of......More...
What Are the Causes of Yeast Infection in the Ears of Felines?
Yeast infection in a cat's ears is also called yeast otitis or fungal otitis. No matter what the cause, feline fungal otitis can be managed and sometimes cured through a vet visit and the use of anti-fungal topical medications....More...
Prednisone with Clindamycin Use in Cats
An illness rarely seen in cats, toxoplasmosis is a type of bacteria that generally remains dormant when present in the feline body. While cats aren't usually affected by the condition, those with preexisting health conditions can develop serious complications caused by the infection. Prednisone and ...More...
Are Spot On Cat Flea Treatments Safe? What You Don't Know Can Harm Your Pet
A recent EPA study has looked at a number of complaints about the safety of spot-on flea treatments. Should you continue to use them?...More...
Indoor Cat - Their Requirements
You may have a number of reasons to keep your kitty indoors, maybe it's because you're worried about the effects of certain toxins such as pesticides or harmful plants, or the danger of the road. Some studies have shown the cats that kept indoor live longer then those who are allowed to ro...More...
Tips For Multiple Cat Home and Litter Box Solutions
Millions of Americans recognize the rewards of having cats. Our feline friends are social animals who provide stimulation, companionship and enrich our lives. In fact, according to the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association, 71 percent of all domestic felines in the U.S. reside in homes....More...
What Are the Treatments for a Urinary Infection in a Cat?
If you are a cat owner, the chances are at least once in your cat's lifetime it will have a urinary tract infection (UTI). Some cats are prone to UTIs and will get them frequently while others may never get them at all. However, if your cat begins acting strangely, it is important to get it to the v...More...
Cat Show Preparation Tips From the Experts
If you do not have a pure bred cat, do not worry because you can still enter him in a cat show. Most cat fancy associations allow cats to be shown in one of four categories, Championship, Premiership, Kitten and Household Pet....More...
How to Choose Cat Food
Cat food is one of the most important expenses of feline guardianship, next to veterinary care. It is important also to note that a nutritios cat food diet can eliminate or delay veterinary expense for a number of serious medical conditions. Learn how to read cat food labels, why some cat foods are ...More...
Black Cats Picture Gallery: Charley
October has almost always been known as Black Cat Month, and our photo calendar would not be complete without photos of sleek black cats. Here are photos of October cats submitted by About Cats readers for your pleasure. Enjoy the Black Cats Picture Gallery. Charley is featured here....More...
Shelter Cat Adoption Success Gallery: Annie
Adopting a shelter cat makes a big difference, not only to the cat, who may literally have been on death row, but to your own life. Cats are well-known for giving unconditional love to their human companions, and you'll find your life enriched immeasurably. The stories presented here in our She...More...
Cat UTI - Let's Go To Work On Finding Out How To Get Rid Of A Urinary Tract Infection In Cats
How to get rid of a urinary tract infection in cats is a question a lot of people will be asking just following seasonal periods where pets are left alone more than a couple of days. There are a number of reasons for this including......More...
Cat Anxiety Symptoms
Dealing with feline anxiety can become a serious issue for cat owners. The most common form of anxiety in cats is known as separation anxiety, in which symptoms occur just before, during and directly after the owner's absence. However, anxiety also can be caused by changes in routine,......More...
Litter-ally Speaking
About Cats Forum members get up close and personal about litter boxes, filler materials and scoopers....More...
How to Keep Turkey Buzzards Off My Balcony
The Turkey Vulture, also known as the Turkey Buzzard, is a black bird the size of an eagle with nesting grounds covering almost the entire United States. Its superior olfactory senses assist it in locating carcasses on the ground while scouring the woods and countryside from the skies. Turkey Vultur...More...
Signs & Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Cats
Kidney disease, also known as chronic renal failure, occurs when the function of the kidneys is impaired. It is a common condition experienced by cats as they age, and is not always fatal if given the proper treatment and care....More...
Ankylosis of Teeth in Cats
Tooth ankylosis is a process where a tooth ends up fused to the bone underneath it. It occurs under several conditions, the most common being feline tooth resorption. Ankylsosis of the tooth can cause several problems to the cat from difficulty eating to a broken tooth. It can affect any type of cat...More...
Cat Breed Profiles A to Z
Cat Breed Profiles for cat breeds beginning with H, including Havana Brown cats and Himalayan breed....More...
Cat Picture of the Week: Vanna
Every week this site honors a Cat Picture of the Week, which is posted on the main page each week as well as in this gallery. This gallery contains Cat Pictures of the Week for the year 2009, each chosen from cat pictures submitted for the many different picture albums on this site. I do not accept ...More...
Cat Diarrhea - Prevention Tactics and Helpful Treatments
There are numerous ways to prevent and help treat cat diarrhea. In many cases the treatment will be very straightforward, but it's always best to speak to your veterinarian about your pet's health conditions....More...
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