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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Understanding Cat Breeds
There are about fifty different breeds of cats, and saying that is one thing but actually taking a look at some of the breeds and understanding them is another because in every cat breed there are a number of differences that make them what they are. Some cat breeds you can tell apart just by lookin...More...
Symptoms of a Sinus Infection in Cats
Cats with infected sinuses display symptoms that can be caused by other underlying health conditions.sick and poor kitten waiting for your assistance image by Vladimir Melnik from Fotolia.comSinus infections in cats are caused when bacteria, fungi or viruses enter the upper respiratory......More...
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Pregnant Yourself
It can be difficult to tell if you have a pregnant cat on your hands if don't know what to look for. Many people don't even realize a cat is pregnant until after the litter has been delivered. Luckily, there are several noticeable signs and symptoms that can be a dead giveaway. Here are a few tips o...More...
Persian Cat Health Problems
When it comes to choose a breed of cat to make part of your family, the Persian has always been a popular choice. However there are some issues to be understood when considering a Persian as a member of your household and here are a look at some f the main ones....More...
Neurological Symptoms in Cats
It is frightening to see your cat go into a seizure or become unconscious, especially if there is no known history of a serious illness. There are many neurological disorder symptoms to consider that come from a variety of causes. It is always important to take a cat with neurological symptoms to th...More...
Home-Alone Cats? Monitor Them With The Motorola Wi-Fi Pet Video Camera
For its versatility, ease of use, and the peace of mind in knowing my cats are safe while I am away, the Motorola Wi-Fi Pet Video Camera, is an excellent tool for monitoring them. Read my review for more information....More...
How to Treat Dandruff in Cats
Just like humans, animals can get dandruff. Cats seem to be particularly susceptible to this skin condition. Thankfully, cat dandruff is easily avoidable and treatable. Making sure that your cats have a healthy diet and paying careful attention to their coats can make all the difference in the world...More...
Cost-Effective Homemade Cat Food
Cats should eat twice each day for about 20 minutes to get the appropriate amount of nutrition in their diet. Feeding a cat store-bought cat food can get expensive, although many brands claim to have the nutritional content taken care of for you so you don't have to think about it. While spending le...More...
No Matter How Long We've Loved Them, Senior Cats Deserve the Finest Care
Whether we call them "geriatric," "older," or "senior," it is always difficult to watch our old guys and ladies age. Geriatric cats suffer many of the same conditions and diseases as older humans, but careful management can vastly improve their quality of life.These les...More...
Bring Home Cat Furniture Along With Your New Kitten
Bringing home a new cat for your children can be very exciting. But before you open the door on the pet crate, make sure you have the cat furniture ready and waiting....More...
Natural High Potency Products for Joint Recovery in Pets
A variety of natural high-potency products for joint recovery is available at pet supply stores or from online merchants that carry pet products or specialize in vitamins and supplements. Joint recovery products may be helpful for pets who are aging, suffering from joint or ligament......More...
What Causes Excessive Urinating in Cats?
Cats with urinary issues can cause frustration among pet owners. In some instances, your cat's problem might be more than a behavioral issue. When your cat urinates excessively and has other symptoms associated with the behavior, then a medical condition might be the cause of your cat's trouble....More...
Compulsive Behavior in Cats
Some animals, like humans, are prone to compulsive behaviors, and cats are no exception. Compulsive behavior is described as "the repetitive, irresistible urge to perform a behavior," according to the ASPCA. Compulsive behaviors are always a concern, but they become big problems when they interfere ...More...
Cat Supplies - A Basic Necessity For Your Beloved Cat!
No doubt, a cat has always been the most adorable pet for everyone including kids, youngsters and old folks. The tradition of having cat as a pet is not new, actually people of Egypt in old times also kept cats as their pets. If you are also having a cat as a pet than it is quite necessary to keep y...More...
UTI Symptoms in Felines
Cats can get urinary tract infections (UTIs) when bacteria grow in the bladder or other parts of the urinary tract. There are several different reasons why bacteria would gain entry into the urinary tract. According to "ASPCA Complete Guide to Cats" (James R. Richards, DVM; 1999), those causes can r...More...
Your Guide to Cat Urinary Tract Infection Prevention
Cat urinary tract infection prevention is simple and straightforward. If you have an older cat or one that is prone to infections for any reason, you can begin a prevention program right away. In this article, you'll learn how to prevent cat urinary infections and keep your cat healthy....More...
Suckling Behavior in a Cat
Cats suckling on their own paw or a woolen blanket might seem funny or cute at first, but it may be a sign of an underlying psychological compulsion. Suckling behavior can be compared to a human child sucking her thumb: normal and expected in youngsters, but problematic if it continues beyond a cert...More...
How the Experts Buy Cat's Toys and Grooming Supplies
Every cat needs to have a set of toys. Cats and kittens are very inventive and have been known to entertain themselves with items found around home. There are many types of pet toys available, so you are guaranteed to find several that your cat will love. Depending on your budget, you can buy mechan...More...
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