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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Cat's Best Friend
For at least two kittens in Iowa, dog is cat's best friend. About 3 months ago, a litter of kittens only weeks old, was put into a bag, sealed inside, and thrown onto a road. Cars ran over the bag until a yellow lab called Reagan discovered it....More...
Talking With Your Cat
Did you ever wish your cat could talk to you? Some days it's a huge mystery what they want. Cats have a lot to say, but the challenge is figuring it out. Here's what some of it means....More...
Neko Von MouseTrap
Cats Being Cats Picture Gallery, featuring a cat named Neko VonMouseTrap...More...
How to Nutritionally Care for Cats Who Suffer From Strokes
Strokes are fairly rare in cats, but they do occur. The good news is that cats are extremely adaptable and can live a long life, even with any disability caused by a stroke. You can help your cat to live its best possible life by making sure to keep it well fed and hydrated. After a stroke, you may ...More...
2010 Black Cat Picture Gallery: Cleo
Black cats have traditionally been associated with Halloween, so we honor black cats with photos during October. Of course, aficionados of these Parlor Panthers adore black cats year-round. If you haven't yet had your fill of black cat photos, feast your eyes on the previous galleries....More...
The Characteristics of a Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue cats, which may look more gray than blue to the untrained eye, were first shown in 1875 in an English cat show. Breeding slowed during World War Two and this remarkable kind of cat was nearly lost. Thanks to extensive breeding efforts since the 1940s, the Russian Blue breed......More...
How to Clean a Feline's Eye
Pet health is one of the cornerstones of having happy pets, but even the most diligent of pet owners can be taken by surprise when their loving cat wakes up one morning with goopy, crusted eyes. Crusty eyes rarely signify a more serious illnesses in felines. It most commonly represents an easily re...More...
Cat Breeds
There are two distinct schools of thought when it comes to cat owners. The majority are quite happy sharing their home with a "moggie" which is any mixed bred cat. Generally, especially after neutering or spaying they are loving affectionate creatures that in return for some tender loving ...More...
Why All the Fuss About Cat Food?
Many people wonder why there is such a fuss about cat food. Aren't all cat foods alike? Learn why some supermarket cat foods are not doing their job, or worse, how they could be harming your cat. Learn to read cat food ingredients list, and the red flags to watch for. Page 2....More...
How to Handle Cat Allergies
When it comes to popular pets that people keep in their house, cats are the winners by a long shot. Over 50% of all families living in the US have either cat or a dog. Even though they are so loved, a lot of people have cat allergies. According to the statistics, there are more than 10 million peopl...More...
Home Remedies to Stop Cats From Scratching
Scratching might be a symptom of a skin condition.scratching cat image by Lucid_Exposure from Fotolia.comAccording to, excessive scratching may be caused by pruritus, also known as itching. Like humans, cats can experience an unpleasant sensation that makes them want to......More...
Tips For Keeping Your Cat Comfortable and Happy
It isn't hard to keep most cats happy. If you spend a little time meeting their basic needs and giving them a reasonable amount of attention, they will likely be pretty undemanding. Here are a few ways to do it....More...
How to Get Rid of Litter Mess: Dust & Bad Odor
Most cat owners would probably agree that the single most unpleasant aspect of living with a cat is the litter box: it creates dust and odors, and it is no fun to try to keep clean. Yet, the litter box is one of the most essential elements in every household that contains a cat. Don't despair---ther...More...
Why is it Important to Give Your Cat a Place to Scratch?
Having a place for your cat to scratch is very important for your cat's mental and physical health. Learn what you will need in order to satisfy your cat's every day scratching needs!...More...
Readers' Cat Collectibles Picture Gallery: Princess
Cat collectibles are the finishing touch for homes that revolved around their resident cats. Almost nothing is more exciting to a cat lover than finding a new and unique object of art to add to his or her cat collectibles display. These pictures of cat collectibles were submitted to readers of cats....More...
Information on Siamese and Persian Cats
Siamese and Persian cats are sought after for their distinctive, exotic looks, friendly personalities and calm dispositions. Though both cats have Asian origins and several temperamental similarities, their physical traits -- at least in terms of breed standards -- are complete opposites. Siamese an...More...
How to Identify Wild Dog Prints
Accurately identifying animal tracks takes practice. Every animal has a distinct print, and with time, you will be able to identify prints made by a wild dog....More...
Feline Cancer-Squamous Cell Cancer Is Lethal When Unnoticed
Once feline cancer like squamous cell cancer invades your cat's lymph system not even aggressive radiation treatment can save your cat. Here are tips to help you recognize this cancer in cats in the early stages. Also some easy ways you can prevent this cancer and promote better cat health natu...More...
Tips For Helping a Cat Adjust to a New Home
As you may already know, cats are very territorial and often find moving home traumatic, confusing and frightening. Therefore, if you are welcoming a new cat into your home, or you are moving house with an already established pet, there are a few things that you can do to help your cat adjust to its...More...
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