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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Karankawa Indian Tools
Karankawa was the language spoken by migratory bands of Native American peoples in Texas. Thought to be the first Native Americans in Texas, they lived along the Gulf Coast and migrated from the inland areas in summer to the barrier islands in winter.Disease from contact with the Spanish......More...
Japanese & Native American Cultural Conflicts
Japanese and Native American peoples share many similar characteristics as cultures who have deep traditional roots that are often in opposition to Western values. Both place high value on traditional cultural practices but struggle against the erosive forces of modernity and clashing European/Ameri...More...
The Ceremonial Use of Snare Drums
While the materials used to create snare drums has evolved over time, the general construction has remained the same. Snare drums have remained an important facet of all forms of ceremony and celebration, from military marches to St. Patrick's Day parades....More...
Activities for the Vikings That Became Famous
Between the 8th and 11th centuries, Scandinavian warriors, known today as Vikings, terrorized Western Europe. Vikings are often stereotyped as little more than barbaric warriors, but they came from a highly developed culture that also engaged in exploration and trade. Their songs and stories have in...More...
Black History Projects for First Graders
First Graders love to learn through creative activities.cute child image by NorthShoreSurfPhotos from Fotolia.comReading about history can be fun. But creating projects that coincide with the reading is also fun. First graders enjoy using the creative sides of their brains and have a lot......More...
How to Make Indian Leggings
Anyone who owns a pair of moccasins knows how wonderful it feels to wear them, whether to a ceremony or to dance in. Many tribal moccasin styles need leggings to go with them, however. Because this not an item you can easily purchase, you generally need to make your own. There are many ways to make ...More...
The Disadvantages of Migration
Migration, more commonly known as immigration, carries disadvantages. Though the classic images of Ellis Island and a land of new opportunity come to mind, arrivals in a foreign land, be it America or elsewhere, will face certain hardships. Furthermore, mass movements of people may cause problems an...More...
Difference Between Puritans & Separatists
The Puritans and the Separatists belonged to the same community centuries back, but later emerged as two different spiritual groups. The Separatists were often in disagreement with the religious practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The dividing of the followers of Christianity into Puritans and Se...More...
How to Obtain the Paperwork for a Proof of Native American Descent
People desiring to establish Native American descent must supply documentation that proves their genealogy. This paperwork must show that they are in direct line of descent from a member of a federally recognized tribe in order to receive benefits provided to that tribe. At times, a blood test may e...More...
National Monuments of Ground Zero
The destruction at Ground Zero left the country in shock.ground zero ?? new-york image by piccaya from Fotolia.comGround Zero was the site of the worst-ever terrorist attack on U.S. soil. On September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda members flew commercial airlines into New York City's twin towers,......More...
What Type of Family Life Did the Iroquois Have?
The Iroquois Confederacy consisted of the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Tuscarora nations. Their collective name loosely means "real snakes," and was possibly given to them by an enemy tribe. They originally called themselves Kanonsionni, meaning "people of the longhouse," and resided...More...
What Is Puerto Rico Known For?
Puerto Rico, just 1,000 miles southeast of Florida, is a commonwealth of the United States, so American citizens don't need passports to visit. When you go, Puerto Rico has a wide variety of natural, historic and cultural things to see and do....More...
How to Become a Hippie
Hippie is the name given to members of the counterculture in the 1960s who indulged in free love, rock music and drugs, and advocated for world peace. Hippies were feared by the establishment because they threatened many traditions and the very basis of authority. To become a hippie in the modern ag...More...
About Capoeira Musical Instruments
Capoeira, a form of martial arts, has a rich cultural history, and music is an integral component. The music of Capoeira fuses African and Brazilian rhythms to form a one-of-a-kind musical style. In fact, it is said that the music defines its spirit....More...
How to Create a Booth for Cultures Day
Cultural Day is a chance to display your heritage. Create a booth to host your exhibition. Take the opportunity to use the event as a chance to demonstrate the history, migration, values and economy of the culture -- even if the traditions you are presenting are not your own. Make the booth enlighte...More...
What Is the Meaning of Black History?
Black history in the United States is characterized by a collection of movements, continents, battles and heroes that spans more than 500 years. It is made up of both terrible tragedies and hard-worn triumphs. Although much has already occurred, black history is still evolving today....More...
What Kinds of Clothing Did the Ancient Greeks Wear?
Clothing in Ancient Greece was very simple. It was designed to be light and loose because of the very hot climate. Linen would be worn in the summer and wool in the winter. Rich citizens could afford to wear garments made of cotton or silk and these would usually be made of colored cloth, whereas th...More...
The History of the Bluestone Quarry in New York
The bluestone quarry industry in New York dates back to the mid-1800s when the stone was first quarried in Ulster County. The stone is only found in south-central New York and Pennsylvania in the United States. Today the industry is worth around $100 million a year....More...
The Type of Greek Architecture That Incorporates Balance, Scale & Proportion
Architecture is the art of building something that is intended to be aesthetically pleasing. The ancient Greeks were one of the first societies to incorporate balance, scale, and proportion into their architecture. These three defining aspects set the tone for most buildings built in the Greek fashi...More...
The Advantages of Funeral Pre Planning
There are many companies that are associated with funeral planning and so clients have to be extra careful while making a choice. Over the last few years a lot about life has changed. It is ... ...More...
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