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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment
List of Spicy Foods
Habanero peppers are one of the hottest in the world.Red habanero chillies isolated image by Elena Moiseeva from Fotolia.comFrom Mexico to India, hot peppers are used as a staple to spice up a dish and satisfy the palate. Jalapeño, habanero and chili peppers are used all over the......More...
How to Make Your Own Ancient Greek Jewelry
Jewelry was very common in ancient Greece and it could be very complex or simple. The complex jewelry was worn by the wealthy, normally for special occasions. The jewelry was typically made from precious metals, stones and wood. The woods were dyed different colors to add a colorful variety to the n...More...
How To Bluff And Win!
Texas Hold'Em Poker - How To Bluff And Win! Anyone that is first attracted to poker will no doubt admit that it is the bluffing side of the game that interests them. However bluffing is ... ...More...
What Does a Trade Surplus Mean?
A trade surplus is part of the larger economic concept of balance of trade, which refers to the difference in value between a nation's imports and exports of goods and services. If a country exports more than it imports, it has a favorable balance of trade, or trade surplus. When imports exceed ex...More...
History of Japanese Calligraphy
Japanese calligraphy began in the 6th century as the Chinese writing system was introduced to Japan. Calligraphy has been practiced in Chinese civilization for over 4,500 years. Chinese style calligraphy became widespread in Japan following the introduction of Buddhism in the mid-6th century....More...
How to Buy Indian Nose Studs
It is a tradition for women of India to wear a nose stud. The nose stud is to make the woman more appealing to the man chosen to be her husband. It is also thought to make childbirth easier if the woman wears the nose stud on the right side of her nostril. Indian women prefer have a gold or diamond ...More...
Flagpoles Produced in the USA
Flagpoles throughout the Ages Numerous elements happen to be utilized throughout history to create flagpoles. As superior materials were created and developed these were implemented by producers to produce essentially the most durable substances. The ... ...More...
Video: How to Say "There is" in Japanese
Video Transcript
YUU ASAKURA: I am going to introduce you "there is, there are" sentences in Japan. Basically, you have the subject here and you use the subject particle "ga" and this is "imasu" or "arimasu." The difference here is "imasu" is for people or animals, something living,......More...
Chinese Culture & Cognitive Development
Cognitive development refers to the growth and development of the center of learning in your brain. Culture encompasses the knowledge, myths, rituals and traditional ways of thinking that influence a society. Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world with 4,000 years of recorded his...More...
Parts of a Shakuhachi Flute
A descendant of the Chinese flute, which came to Japan via Korea, the shakuhachi was used amongst Zen monks (particularly those of the Fuke sect) who played songs (honyoku) in tandem with meditation. Shakuhachi are typically made from the root end of a bamboo stalk. Due to the distinctive shape of ...More...
What Is Bloodroot in Real Alchemy?
Bloodroot is a small perennial native to North America. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is a member of the poppy family. It has a red root and sap, and bears a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring, which is also called sanguinaria. Bloo...More...
Indian Timucua Tools
The Timucuan Indians were a hunting and fishing tribe who lived mainly in central and northeastern Florida. Their population began to decrease in the middle of the 17th century. Wars with other Indian tribes and English settlers and a series of epidemics, including smallpox, led to the population dy...More...
Beliefs and Myths of the Kwakiutl Indians
The Kwakiutl Indians, also known as the Kwakwaka'wakw Indians, are a group of several tribes of Indians who live on the coast of British Columbia. The tribes are grouped due to their common use of the Kwak'wala language, although the tribes are autonomous units. Their belief structures and myths wer...More...
Business & Personal Writing Differences
Whether you're writing an email, a blog or a physical letter, your approach should dramatically differ depending on whether you intend to reach an audience on business or personal terms. While personal writing has few, if any, restrictions, business writing has developed in a specific way in order t...More...
Typical Food in Barcelona
Food in Barcelona is typified by a mix of influences, ranging from France and the Basque region to Greece and beyond. As may be expected from a city near the Mediterranean, there is a great deal of seafood. Spanish meals like tapas are also common....More...
How to Buy Wall Decor From Italy
Admit it: the best way to pick out the perfect piece of Italian wall art is by finding an out-of-the-way gallery in Florence that features the work of an emerging talent and ship it home. If that's not possible, grab a glass of wine and use the Internet; no passport required. Myriad direct-to-collec...More...
How to Create a Clan Logo
You'd be hard-pressed to find a family organization structure that's as tight-knit as the Scottish clan. Loyalty and history have kept families together for centuries and there are few cultures on earth as proud of the symbols that represent family ties as are the Scottish people. Overseen by the Co...More...
What is the Center for Native Ecosystems?
The Center for Native Ecosystems is a Denver organization that defends biological diversity. They seek to protect the native wildlife and plant life of the Southern Rockies, and strive to prevent extinction. The organization was founded in 1999....More...
How to Set Up Linens for a Buffet
Table linens can be placed on a buffet to cover up an unsightly table or just enhance the overall food presentation. Typically, a normal table cloth is considered a little skimpy when it comes to buffet linens. Unless the buffet table has a beautiful frame and legs, you will probably want to cover t...More...
People of the Inca Tribe
The Incan Empire is an ancient civilization that was located in Peru and its surrounding areas. Reigning for centuries, the Incan Empire was the largest pre-Columbian empire in the Americas. The Incas and their territories were systematically conquered by the Spanish in the mid-1500s. Prior to conqu...More...
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