Cool Cross Tattoo Ideas
- A skull and crossbones is a cool cross tattoo idea.Cartoon illustration of a Skull and Crossbones. image by samantha grandy from
The cross is an ancient symbol used in cultures around the world. One of its most famous incarnations is as a representation of the crucifix on which Jesus Christ was tortured. Many people get cross tattoos to show their devotion and/or interest in Christianity, while others who get cross tattoos may not know the true origin of the design. You can use a variation of the cross for a cool tattoo idea. - European sailors picked up the art of tattooing in Polynesia and documented their journeys around the world by tattooing each other, a practice which eventually spread and grew in popularity. You can combine an interest in Christianity and nautical tattoo iconography by getting an anchored cross, also known as a Mariner's Cross, tattoo. The Mariner's Cross is a cross shaped like an anchor. It is used to represent hope. A Mariner's cross is a cool tattoo idea because it fits in with classic tattoo imagery and works as a message of hope in common with Christian themes.
- Tattoos and rock music go hand-in-hand. Many rock musicians, including Slash and Tommy Lee, have tattoos and many rock fans, in turn, have tattoos of their favorite artist. Therefore, a cross from the cover of Metallica's "Master of Puppets" album is a cool cross tattoo idea. Metallica's classic thrash metal album cover features a mass of white crosses with weeds grown up around them. Whether you want to show off your Metallica fandom or think the design is interesting, you can get this tattoo and look cool.
- The skull and crossbones, an image which pirates put on flags to intimidate approaching ships, has its origins in Christianity. The crossed bones are a reference to the crucifixion of Jesus. A skull and crossbones is a cool tattoo image because it has connections to the origins of tattoos and Christianity at the same time, as well as carrying an image of death, a cool image in itself. Images of skulls are popular among tattoo enthusiasts, so you'll fit right in with a cool skull and crossbones tattoo.
Mariner's Cross
Master of Puppets
Skull and Crossbones