What Your Lounge Room Design Says About You
Your lounge can be a very enigmatic but terribly effective barometer of "you", spilling all the beans about your character and personality and baring your soul. Even if you may not have paid too much attention to the process of decorating and arranging your lounge room, a whole lot of subliminal, subconscious messages are emitted by the appearance of your living space. Your guests decode and decipher these messges and make sense of them without even knowing it or indeed being aware that they are reading into your inner being.
Cast your mind back to your school days and if you were ever called in to the principal's office for being naughty, you will remember just how intimidating the waiting area was, with the actual principal's office coming across as even more intimidating. That is because the character of the person resonates throughout the space in which that person spends a lot of their time. People rearrange spaces in which they spend a lot of their time in such a way as to feel comfortable in them. The same applies to you and your living room lounge, where you probably spend a lot of your time, while at home, prompting you to decorate it in a way which feels comfortable to you, but also speaks volumes of your character.
Here's what your lounge room design says about you
With the availability of so many fabulous home designer products at affordable prices, your true character enjoys so many different ways through which it can be represented in your lounge room design. Since home designer products include mirrors, table lamps, accent furniture pieces, design accessories, wall d©cor and art, there is plenty of opportunity for your personality to show up over and over again and also to express itself in great detail.
With regards to wall d©cor and art, the wall-paint colour is probably the most revealing of your lounge design elements. This serves as probably the biggest window into your soul, with the likelihood being that your d©cor units, like accent furniture and design accessories, will either follow the same general colour scheme or they will complement that colour scheme.
Blue and light-green colour themes, which may also be represented throughout your other home designer product ranges, paint a picture of someone who is very practical, pragmatic and dynamic.
Black is the colour of luxury, revealing someone who loves some elegance, with the fortunate part of this being the availability of fabulous home designer products at affordable prices. Because complete home designer product ranges include mirrors, table lamps, accent furniture pieces, design accessories, wall d©cor and art, all of which are available in a common colour scheme, a lot more black-themed lounges are popping up to radiate the kind of elegance we all secretly love.
Bright colours such as yellow, orange and red, paint a picture of someone who is energetic, bold and not afraid to venture where the masses dare not go, especially if the same colours are chosen for some of the d©cor and furniture too.
In Australia you can get fabulous, yet affordable design pieces from the exclusive Australian distributer Uttermost Australia.
Cast your mind back to your school days and if you were ever called in to the principal's office for being naughty, you will remember just how intimidating the waiting area was, with the actual principal's office coming across as even more intimidating. That is because the character of the person resonates throughout the space in which that person spends a lot of their time. People rearrange spaces in which they spend a lot of their time in such a way as to feel comfortable in them. The same applies to you and your living room lounge, where you probably spend a lot of your time, while at home, prompting you to decorate it in a way which feels comfortable to you, but also speaks volumes of your character.
Here's what your lounge room design says about you
With the availability of so many fabulous home designer products at affordable prices, your true character enjoys so many different ways through which it can be represented in your lounge room design. Since home designer products include mirrors, table lamps, accent furniture pieces, design accessories, wall d©cor and art, there is plenty of opportunity for your personality to show up over and over again and also to express itself in great detail.
With regards to wall d©cor and art, the wall-paint colour is probably the most revealing of your lounge design elements. This serves as probably the biggest window into your soul, with the likelihood being that your d©cor units, like accent furniture and design accessories, will either follow the same general colour scheme or they will complement that colour scheme.
Blue and light-green colour themes, which may also be represented throughout your other home designer product ranges, paint a picture of someone who is very practical, pragmatic and dynamic.
Black is the colour of luxury, revealing someone who loves some elegance, with the fortunate part of this being the availability of fabulous home designer products at affordable prices. Because complete home designer product ranges include mirrors, table lamps, accent furniture pieces, design accessories, wall d©cor and art, all of which are available in a common colour scheme, a lot more black-themed lounges are popping up to radiate the kind of elegance we all secretly love.
Bright colours such as yellow, orange and red, paint a picture of someone who is energetic, bold and not afraid to venture where the masses dare not go, especially if the same colours are chosen for some of the d©cor and furniture too.
In Australia you can get fabulous, yet affordable design pieces from the exclusive Australian distributer Uttermost Australia.